
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: the exposure of an impostor or a fraud; "he published an
         expose of the graft and corruption in city government"
         [syn: {expose}, {unmasking}]
    v 1: expose or make accessible to some action or influence;
         "Expose your students to art"; "expose the blanket to
    2: make known to the public information that was previously
       known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a
       secret; "The auction house would not disclose the price at
       which the van Gogh had sold"; "The actress won't reveal how
       old she is"; "bring out the truth"; "he broke the news to
       her"; "unwrap the evidence in the murder case" [syn:
       {unwrap}, {disclose}, {let on}, {bring out}, {reveal},
       {discover}, {expose}, {divulge}, {break}, {give away}, {let
    3: to show, make visible or apparent; "The Metropolitan Museum
       is exhibiting Goya's works this month"; "Why don't you show
       your nice legs and wear shorter skirts?"; "National leaders
       will have to display the highest skills of statesmanship"
       [syn: {expose}, {exhibit}, {display}]
    4: remove all or part of one's clothes to show one's body;
       "uncover your belly"; "The man exposed himself in the subway"
       [syn: {uncover}, {expose}] [ant: {cover}]
    5: disclose to view as by removing a cover; "The curtain rose to
       disclose a stunning set" [syn: {disclose}, {expose}]
    6: put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position
       [syn: {queer}, {expose}, {scupper}, {endanger}, {peril}]
    7: expose to light, of photographic film
    8: expose while ridiculing; especially of pretentious or false
       claims and ideas; "The physicist debunked the psychic's
       claims" [syn: {debunk}, {expose}]
    9: abandon by leaving out in the open air; "The infant was
       exposed by the teenage mother"; "After Christmas, many pets
       get abandoned"
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Expose \Ex*pose"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Exposed}; p. pr. & vb.
   n. {Exposing}.] [F. exposer; pref. ex- (L. ex out)+poser to
   place. See {Pose}, v. t.]
   1. To set forth; to set out to public view; to exhibit; to
      show; to display; as, to expose goods for sale; to expose
      pictures to public inspection.
      [1913 Webster]

            Those who seek truth only, freely expose their
            principles to the test, and are pleased to have them
            examined.                             --Locke.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. To lay bare; to lay open to attack, danger, or anything
      objectionable; to render accessible to anything which may
      affect, especially detrimentally; to make liable; as, to
      expose one's self to the heat of the sun, or to cold,
      insult, danger, or ridicule; to expose an army to
      destruction or defeat.
      [1913 Webster]

            Expose thyself to feel what wretches feel. --Shak.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. To deprive of concealment; to discover; to lay open to
      public inspection, or bring to public notice, as a thing
      that shuns publicity, something criminal, shameful, or the
      like; as, to expose the faults of a neighbor.
      [1913 Webster]

            You only expose the follies of men, without
            arraigning their vices.               --Dryden.
      [1913 Webster]

   4. To disclose the faults or reprehensible practices of; to
      lay open to general condemnation or contempt by making
      public the character or arts of; as, to expose a cheat,
      liar, or hypocrite.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Expos'e \Ex`po`s['e]"\, n. [F., prop. p. p. of exposer. See
   {Expose}, v. t.]
   A formal recital or exposition of facts; exposure, or
   revelation, of something which some one wished to keep
   [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
212 Moby Thesaurus words for "expose":
      advertise, air, apocalypse, attaint, awaken, bare, baring, belie,
      bespatter, betray, blacken, blot, blow sky-high, blow up,
      blow upon, brand, brandish, break the seal, break the spell,
      bring to light, broadcast, burst the bubble, censure, clear,
      compromise, construction, correct, debunk, defame, defile, deflate,
      denudate, denude, deobstruct, develop, dig up, disabuse,
      disappoint, disapprove, disclose, disclosing, disclosure,
      disconfirm, disconfirmation, discover, discovering, discovery,
      discredit, disenchant, disillude, disillusion, disillusionize,
      disinter, dismask, disparage, display, disport, disproof,
      disproval, disprove, disproving, divest, divulge, draw the veil,
      encounter danger, endanger, enlighten, excavate, exegesis, exhibit,
      exhume, explication, explode, explosion, expose to infamy,
      exposition, exposure, ferret out, fish up, flash, flaunt, fleece,
      free, gamble, gamble with, gibbet, hang in effigy, hazard, impart,
      imperil, incur danger, interpretation, invalidate, invalidation,
      jeopard, jeopardize, jeopardy, lay bare, lay open, laying bare,
      leak, let daylight in, let down easy, let in on, let out,
      make known, manifest, manifestation, negate, negation, negative,
      open, open up, parade, patefaction, patefy, peril, pillory, pluck,
      present, prick the bubble, prove the contrary, publish, puncture,
      put in danger, put in jeopardy, put in writing, put straight,
      raise the curtain, redargution, reductio ad absurdum, remove,
      removing the veil, reprimand, reveal, revealing, revealment,
      revelation, risk, root up, set right, set straight, shear, show,
      show off, show up, showing up, showup, slur, smear, soil, stain,
      stigmatize, strip, strip bare, stripping, subject, subject to,
      sully, taint, tarnish, tell the truth, trot out, turn up,
      unblindfold, unblock, uncase, uncharm, unclench, uncloak,
      uncloaking, unclog, unclothe, unclutch, uncork, uncover,
      uncovering, uncurtain, undeceive, undercut, undo, undrape, undress,
      unearth, unfold, unfolding, unfoldment, unfoul, unfurl, unkennel,
      unlatch, unlock, unmask, unmasking, unpack, unplug, unroll,
      unscreen, unseal, unsheathe, unshroud, unshut, unspell, unstop,
      unveil, unveiling, unwrap, unwrapping, ventilate, vilify, wake up,
      worm out


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