WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
v 1: remove the veil from; "Women must not unveil themselves in
public in Islamic societies" [ant: {veil}]
2: make visible; "Summer brings out bright clothes"; "He brings
out the best in her" [syn: {uncover}, {bring out}, {unveil},
3: remove the cover from; "unveil a painting"
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
67 Moby Thesaurus words for "unveil":
bare, betray, break the seal, bring to light, clear, denudate,
denude, deobstruct, develop, disclose, discover, dismask, display,
divest, divulge, draw the veil, expose, fleece, free, impart,
lay bare, lay open, let daylight in, let out, manifest, open,
open up, patefy, pluck, raise the curtain, remove, reveal, shear,
show, show up, strip, strip bare, tell, unblock, uncase, unclench,
uncloak, unclog, unclothe, unclutch, uncork, uncover, uncurtain,
undo, undrape, unfold, unfoul, unfurl, unkennel, unlatch, unlock,
unmask, unpack, unplug, unroll, unscreen, unseal, unsheathe,
unshroud, unshut, unstop, unwrap
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