WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: a large number of things or people considered together; "a
crowd of insects assembled around the flowers"
2: an informal body of friends; "he still hangs out with the
same crowd" [syn: {crowd}, {crew}, {gang}, {bunch}]
v 1: cause to herd, drive, or crowd together; "We herded the
children into a spare classroom" [syn: {herd}, {crowd}]
2: fill or occupy to the point of overflowing; "The students
crowded the auditorium"
3: to gather together in large numbers; "men in straw boaters
and waxed mustaches crowded the verandah" [syn: {crowd},
{crowd together}]
4: approach a certain age or speed; "She is pushing fifty" [syn:
{push}, {crowd}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Crowd \Crowd\, n. [W. crwth; akin to Gael. cruit. Perh. named
from its shape, and akin to Gr. kyrto`s curved, and E. curve.
Cf. {Rote}.]
An ancient instrument of music with six strings; a kind of
violin, being the oldest known stringed instrument played
with a bow. [Written also {croud}, {crowth}, {cruth}, and
[1913 Webster]
A lackey that . . . can warble upon a crowd a little.
--B. Jonson.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Crowd \Crowd\, n. [AS. croda. See {Crowd}, v. t. ]
1. A number of things collected or closely pressed together;
also, a number of things adjacent to each other.
[1913 Webster]
A crowd of islands. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]
2. A number of persons congregated or collected into a close
body without order; a throng.
[1913 Webster]
The crowd of Vanity Fair. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]
Crowds that stream from yawning doors. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
3. The lower orders of people; the populace; the vulgar; the
rabble; the mob.
[1913 Webster]
To fool the crowd with glorious lies. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
He went not with the crowd to see a shrine.
Syn: Throng; multitude. See {Throng}.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Crowd \Crowd\ (kroud), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Crowded}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Crowding}.] [OE. crouden, cruden, AS. cr[=u]dan; cf.
D. kruijen to push in a wheelbarrow.]
1. To push, to press, to shove. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]
2. To press or drive together; to mass together. "Crowd us
and crush us." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
3. To fill by pressing or thronging together; hence, to
encumber by excess of numbers or quantity.
[1913 Webster]
The balconies and verandas were crowded with
spectators, anxious to behold their future
sovereign. --Prescott.
[1913 Webster]
4. To press by solicitation; to urge; to dun; hence, to treat
discourteously or unreasonably. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]
{To crowd out}, to press out; specifically, to prevent the
publication of; as, the press of other matter crowded out
the article.
{To crowd sail} (Naut.), to carry an extraordinary amount of
sail, with a view to accelerate the speed of a vessel; to
carry a press of sail.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Crowd \Crowd\, v. i.
1. To press together or collect in numbers; to swarm; to
[1913 Webster]
The whole company crowded about the fire. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]
Images came crowding on his mind faster than he
could put them into words. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]
2. To urge or press forward; to force one's self; as, a man
crowds into a room.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
379 Moby Thesaurus words for "crowd":
A string, Amati, Cremona, D string, E string, G string, Strad,
Stradivari, Stradivarius, abound with, accelerate, age group,
aggregation, army, assault, assemblage, assemble, assembly, band,
bar, barricade, bass, bass viol, battalion, be alive with, bear,
bear upon, bevy, block, block up, blockade, body, bolt, boost, bow,
bridge, brigade, brim, bristle with, buck, bull, bull fiddle,
bulldoze, bump, bump against, bunch, bunch up, bundle, bunt,
burst with, bustle, butt, butt against, cabal, cadre, camarilla,
cast, cell, cello, charge, charmed circle, chase, chock, choke,
choke off, circle, clan, clique, close, close off, close tight,
close up, closed circle, clot, cloud, cluster, clutter, cohort,
cohue, collect, collection, come together, compact, company,
complement, compress, concentrate, condense, congeries, congest,
congregate, congregation, consolidate, constrict, contingent,
contrabass, converge, copulate, corps, corral, coterie, couple,
covey, cram, crawl with, creep with, crew, crush, dash, dash off,
dash on, date, debar, deluge, densen, densify, detachment, detail,
dig, dispatch, division, dog, double bass, double-time, drench,
drive, drive on, drove, elbow, elite, elite group, expedite,
faction, festinate, fiddle, fiddlebow, fiddlestick, fill,
fill to overflowing, fill up, fingerboard, fleet, flock,
flock together, flood, flow together, force, forgather,
forge ahead, forward, freight, fuse, gaggle, galaxy, gang,
gang around, gang up, gather, gather around, get going, get moving,
get together, glut, gluttonize, go slow, goad, gorge, group,
grouping, groupment, haste, hasten, hasten on, heap, herd,
herd together, hie on, hive, horde, host, huddle, hurry,
hurry along, hurry on, hurry through, hurry up, hurry-scurry,
hurtle, hustle, hustle up, ignobile vulgus, in-group, inch forward,
ingroup, inner circle, jab, jam, jam-pack, jog, joggle, jolt,
jostle, junta, junto, kit, kit fiddle, kit violin, lade, league,
leap, legion, link, load, lock, lose no time, lot, make haste,
many-headed multitude, mass, meet, merge, mill, mob, mobile vulgus,
move quickly, movement, muddle through, multiply, multitude,
muster, nudge, obstruct, occlude, out-group, outfit, overburden,
overcharge, overfeed, overfill, overflow with, overlade, overload,
overstuff, overweight, pack, pad, panoply, parley, party,
peer group, phalanx, pile, pile drive, platoon, plunge, poke,
posse, post, pour, precipitate, press, press forward, press on,
prod, pullulate with, punch, push, push forward, push on,
push through, quicken, rabble, race, railroad through, rally,
rally around, ram, ram down, ram in, regiment, rendezvous, ring,
rout, ruck, run, run against, rush, rush along, rush through,
salon, satiate, saturate, scamper, scores, scramble, scroll,
scurry, scuttle, seethe, set, shake, shoulder, shove, shut off,
shut out, shut tight, soak, solidify, soundboard, spate, speed,
speed along, speed up, spur, spurt, squab, squad, squash, squeeze,
squeeze shut, squish, stable, stampede, stifle, stop up, strangle,
strangulate, stream, stress, string, stuff, suffocate, supercharge,
supersaturate, surcharge, surfeit, surge, swarm, swarm with, tamp,
team, tear, teem with, tenor violin, the common herd, the crowd,
the great unnumbered, the great unwashed, the herd, the hoi polloi,
the horde, the majority, the many, the masses, the mob,
the multitude, throng, throng with, thrust, top off, tribe, troop,
troupe, tuning peg, unite, urge, viola, violin, violinette,
violoncello, violoncello piccolo, violone, violotta, wad, we-group,
weight, whip, whip along, wing
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