The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Brigade \Bri*gade"\, n. [F. brigade, fr. It. brigata troop,
crew, brigade, originally, a contending troop, fr. briga
trouble, quarrel. See {Brigand}.]
1. (Mil.) A body of troops, whether cavalry, artillery,
infantry, or mixed, consisting of two or more regiments,
under the command of a brigadier general.
[1913 Webster]
Note: Two or more brigades constitute a division, commanded
by a major general; two or more divisions constitute an
army corps, or corps d'arm['e]e. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]
2. Any body of persons organized for acting or marching
together under authority; as, a fire brigade.
[1913 Webster]
{Brigade inspector}, an officer whose duty is to inspect
troops in companies before they are mustered into service.
{Brigade major}, an officer who may be attached to a brigade
to assist the brigadier in his duties.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
75 Moby Thesaurus words for "brigade":
KP, age group, army, army group, band, battalion, battery,
battle group, bevy, body, bunch, cabal, cadre, cast, clique,
cohort, column, combat command, combat team, company, complement,
contingent, corps, coterie, covey, crew, crowd, detachment, detail,
division, faction, field army, field train, file, fleet,
flying column, gang, garrison, group, grouping, groupment,
in-group, junta, kitchen police, legion, maniple, mob, movement,
organization, out-group, outfit, pack, party, peer group, phalanx,
platoon, posse, rank, regiment, salon, section, set, squad,
squadron, stable, string, tactical unit, task force, team, train,
tribe, troop, troupe, unit, wing
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