Belideus sciureus

from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Flying \Fly"ing\, a. [From {Fly}, v. i.]
   Moving in the air with, or as with, wings; moving lightly or
   rapidly; intended for rapid movement.
   [1913 Webster]

   {Flying army} (Mil.) a body of cavalry and infantry, kept in
      motion, to cover its own garrisons and to keep the enemy
      in continual alarm. --Farrow. 

   {Flying artillery} (Mil.), artillery trained to rapid
      evolutions, -- the men being either mounted or trained to
      spring upon the guns and caissons when they change

   {Flying bridge}, {Flying camp}. See under {Bridge}, and

   {Flying buttress} (Arch.), a contrivance for taking up the
      thrust of a roof or vault which can not be supported by
      ordinary buttresses. It consists of a straight bar of
      masonry, usually sloping, carried on an arch, and a solid
      pier or buttress sufficient to receive the thrust. The
      word is generally applied only to the straight bar with
      supporting arch.

   {Flying colors}, flags unfurled and waving in the air; hence:

   {To come off with flying colors}, to be victorious; to
      succeed thoroughly in an undertaking.

   {Flying doe} (Zool.), a young female kangaroo.

   {Flying dragon}.
   (a) (Zool.) See {Dragon}, 6.
   (b) A meteor. See under {Dragon}.

   {Flying Dutchman}.
   (a) A fabled Dutch mariner condemned for his crimes to sail
       the seas till the day of judgment.
   (b) A spectral ship.

   {Flying fish}. (Zool.) See {Flying fish}, in the Vocabulary.

   {Flying fox} (Zool.), see {Flying fox} in the vocabulary.

   {Flying frog} (Zool.), either of two East Indian tree frogs
      of the genus {Rhacophorus} ({Rhacophorus nigrapalmatus}
      and {Rhacophorus pardalis}), having very large and broadly
      webbed feet, which serve as parachutes, and enable it to
      make very long leaps.

   {Flying gurnard} (Zool.), a species of gurnard of the genus
      {Cephalacanthus} or {Dactylopterus}, with very large
      pectoral fins, said to be able to fly like the flying
      fish, but not for so great a distance.

   Note: Three species are known; that of the Atlantic is
         {Cephalacanthus volitans}.

   {Flying jib} (Naut.), a sail extended outside of the standing
      jib, on the flying-jib boom.

   {Flying-jib boom} (Naut.), an extension of the jib boom.

   {Flying kites} (Naut.), light sails carried only in fine

   {Flying lemur}. (Zool.) See {Colugo}.

   {Flying level} (Civil Engin.), a reconnoissance level over
      the course of a projected road, canal, etc.

   {Flying lizard}. (Zool.) See {Dragon}, n. 6.

   {Flying machine}, any apparatus for navigating through the
      air, especially a heavier-than-air machine. -- {Flying
   mouse} (Zool.), the opossum mouse ({Acrobates pygm[ae]us}), a
      marsupial of Australia. Called also {feathertail glider}.

   Note: It has lateral folds of skin, like the flying
         squirrels, and a featherlike tail. -- {Flying party}
      (Mil.), a body of soldiers detailed to hover about an
      enemy. -- {Flying phalanger} (Zool.), one of several
      species of small marsuupials of the genera {Petaurus} and
      {Belideus}, of Australia and New Guinea, having lateral
      folds like those of the flying squirrels. The sugar
      squirrel ({Belideus sciureus}), and the ariel ({Belideus
      ariel}), are the best known; -- called also {squirrel
      petaurus} and {flying squirrel}. See {Sugar squirrel}. --
   {Flying pinion}, the fly of a clock. -- {Flying sap} (Mil.),
      the rapid construction of trenches (when the enemy's fire
      of case shot precludes the method of simple trenching), by
      means of gabions placed in juxtaposition and filled with
      earth. -- {Flying shot}, a shot fired at a moving object,
      as a bird on the wing. -- {Flying spider}. (Zool.) See
      {Ballooning spider}. -- {Flying squid} (Zool.), an oceanic
      squid ({Ommastrephes Bartramii} syn. {Sthenoteuthis
      Bartramii}), abundant in the Gulf Stream, which is able to
      leap out of the water with such force that it often falls
      on the deck of a vessel. -- {Flying squirrel} (Zool.) See
      {Flying squirrel}, in the Vocabulary. -- {Flying start}, a
      start in a sailing race in which the signal is given while
      the vessels are under way. -- {Flying torch} (Mil.), a
      torch attached to a long staff and used for signaling at
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Sugar \Sug"ar\, n. [OE. sugre, F. sucre (cf. It. zucchero, Sp.
   az['u]car), fr. Ar. sukkar, assukkar, fr. Skr. [,c]arkar[=a]
   sugar, gravel; cf. Per. shakar. Cf. {Saccharine}, {Sucrose}.]
   1. A sweet white (or brownish yellow) crystalline substance,
      of a sandy or granular consistency, obtained by
      crystallizing the evaporated juice of certain plants, as
      the sugar cane, sorghum, beet root, sugar maple, etc. It
      is used for seasoning and preserving many kinds of food
      and drink. Ordinary sugar is essentially sucrose. See the
      Note below.
      [1913 Webster]

   Note: The term sugar includes several commercial grades, as
         the white or refined, granulated, loaf or lump, and the
         raw brown or muscovado. In a more general sense, it
         includes several distinct chemical compounds, as the
         glucoses, or grape sugars (including glucose proper,
         dextrose, and levulose), and the sucroses, or true
         sugars (as cane sugar). All sugars are carbohydrates.
         See {Carbohydrate}. The glucoses, or grape sugars, are
         ketone alcohols of the formula {C6H12O6}, and they turn
         the plane of polarization to the right or the left.
         They are produced from the amyloses and sucroses, as by
         the action of heat and acids of ferments, and are
         themselves decomposed by fermentation into alcohol and
         carbon dioxide. The only sugar (called acrose) as yet
         produced artificially belongs to this class. The
         sucroses, or cane sugars, are doubled glucose
         anhydrides of the formula {C12H22O11}. They are usually
         not fermentable as such (cf. {Sucrose}), and they act
         on polarized light.
         [1913 Webster]

   2. By extension, anything resembling sugar in taste or
      appearance; as, sugar of lead (lead acetate), a poisonous
      white crystalline substance having a sweet taste.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. Compliment or flattery used to disguise or render
      acceptable something obnoxious; honeyed or soothing words.
      [1913 Webster]

   {Acorn sugar}. See {Quercite}.

   {Cane sugar}, sugar made from the sugar cane; sucrose, or an
      isomeric sugar. See {Sucrose}.

   {Diabetes sugar}, or {Diabetic sugar} (Med. Chem.), a variety
      of sugar (grape sugar or dextrose) excreted in the urine
      in diabetes mellitus; -- the presence of such a sugar in
      the urine is used to diagnose the illness.

   {Fruit sugar}. See under {Fruit}, and {Fructose}.

   {Grape sugar}, a sirupy or white crystalline sugar (dextrose
      or glucose) found as a characteristic ingredient of ripe
      grapes, and also produced from many other sources. See
      {Dextrose}, and {Glucose}.

   {Invert sugar}. See under {Invert}.

   {Malt sugar}, a variety of sugar isomeric with sucrose, found
      in malt. See {Maltose}.

   {Manna sugar}, a substance found in manna, resembling, but
      distinct from, the sugars. See {Mannite}.

   {Milk sugar}, a variety of sugar characteristic of fresh
      milk, and isomeric with sucrose. See {Lactose}.

   {Muscle sugar}, a sweet white crystalline substance isomeric
      with, and formerly regarded to, the glucoses. It is found
      in the tissue of muscle, the heart, liver, etc. Called
      also {heart sugar}. See {Inosite}.

   {Pine sugar}. See {Pinite}.

   {Starch sugar} (Com. Chem.), a variety of dextrose made by
      the action of heat and acids on starch from corn,
      potatoes, etc.; -- called also {potato sugar}, {corn
      sugar}, and, inaccurately, {invert sugar}. See {Dextrose},
      and {Glucose}.

   {Sugar barek}, one who refines sugar.

   {Sugar beet} (Bot.), a variety of beet ({Beta vulgaris}) with
      very large white roots, extensively grown, esp. in Europe,
      for the sugar obtained from them.

   {Sugar berry} (Bot.), the hackberry.

   {Sugar bird} (Zool.), any one of several species of small
      South American singing birds of the genera {Coereba},
      {Dacnis}, and allied genera belonging to the family
      {Coerebidae}. They are allied to the honey eaters.

   {Sugar bush}. See {Sugar orchard}.

   {Sugar camp}, a place in or near a sugar orchard, where maple
      sugar is made.

   {Sugar candian}, sugar candy. [Obs.]

   {Sugar candy}, sugar clarified and concreted or crystallized;
      candy made from sugar.

   {Sugar cane} (Bot.), a tall perennial grass ({Saccharum
      officinarium}), with thick short-jointed stems. It has
      been cultivated for ages as the principal source of sugar.

   {Sugar loaf}.
      (a) A loaf or mass of refined sugar, usually in the form
          of a truncated cone.
      (b) A hat shaped like a sugar loaf.
          [1913 Webster]

                Why, do not or know you, grannam, and that sugar
                loaf?                             --J. Webster.
          [1913 Webster]

   {Sugar maple} (Bot.), the rock maple ({Acer saccharinum}).
      See {Maple}.

   {Sugar mill}, a machine for pressing out the juice of the
      sugar cane, usually consisting of three or more rollers,
      between which the cane is passed.

   {Sugar mite}. (Zool.)
      (a) A small mite ({Tyroglyphus sacchari}), often found in
          great numbers in unrefined sugar.
      (b) The lepisma.

   {Sugar of lead}. See {Sugar}, 2, above.

   {Sugar of milk}. See under {Milk}.

   {Sugar orchard}, a collection of maple trees selected and
      preserved for purpose of obtaining sugar from them; --
      called also, sometimes, {sugar bush}. [U.S.] --Bartlett.

   {Sugar pine} (Bot.), an immense coniferous tree ({Pinus
      Lambertiana}) of California and Oregon, furnishing a soft
      and easily worked timber. The resinous exudation from the
      stumps, etc., has a sweetish taste, and has been used as a
      substitute for sugar.

   {Sugar squirrel} (Zool.), an Australian flying phalanger
      ({Belideus sciureus}), having a long bushy tail and a
      large parachute. It resembles a flying squirrel. See
      Illust. under {Phlanger}.

   {Sugar tongs}, small tongs, as of silver, used at table for
      taking lumps of sugar from a sugar bowl.

   {Sugar tree}. (Bot.) See {Sugar maple}, above.
      [1913 Webster]

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