WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: how something is done or how it happens; "her dignified
manner"; "his rapid manner of talking"; "their nomadic mode
of existence"; "in the characteristic New York style"; "a
lonely way of life"; "in an abrasive fashion" [syn:
{manner}, {mode}, {style}, {way}, {fashion}]
2: a way of expressing something (in language or art or music
etc.) that is characteristic of a particular person or group
of people or period; "all the reporters were expected to
adopt the style of the newspaper" [syn: {expressive style},
3: a particular kind (as to appearance); "this style of shoe is
in demand"
4: the popular taste at a given time; "leather is the latest
vogue"; "he followed current trends"; "the 1920s had a style
of their own" [syn: {vogue}, {trend}, {style}]
5: (botany) the narrow elongated part of the pistil between the
ovary and the stigma
6: editorial directions to be followed in spelling and
punctuation and capitalization and typographical display
7: distinctive and stylish elegance; "he wooed her with the
confident dash of a cavalry officer" [syn: {dash}, {elan},
{flair}, {panache}, {style}]
8: a pointed tool for writing or drawing or engraving; "he drew
the design on the stencil with a steel stylus" [syn:
{stylus}, {style}]
9: a slender bristlelike or tubular process; "a cartilaginous
v 1: designate by an identifying term; "They styled their nation
`The Confederate States'" [syn: {style}, {title}]
2: make consistent with a certain fashion or style; "Style my
hair"; "style the dress"
3: make consistent with certain rules of style; "style a
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Style \Style\, n. [OE. stile, F. style, Of. also stile, L.
stilus a style or writing instrument, manner or writing, mode
of expression; probably for stiglus, meaning, a pricking
instrument, and akin to E. stick. See {Stick}, v. t., and cf.
{Stiletto}. The spelling with y is due to a supposed
connection with Gr. sty^los a pillar.]
1. An instrument used by the ancients in writing on tablets
covered with wax, having one of its ends sharp, and the
other blunt, and somewhat expanded, for the purpose of
making erasures by smoothing the wax.
[1913 Webster]
2. Hence, anything resembling the ancient style in shape or
use. Specifically:
[1913 Webster]
(a) A pen; an author's pen. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
(b) A sharp-pointed tool used in engraving; a graver.
[1913 Webster]
(c) A kind of blunt-pointed surgical instrument.
[1913 Webster]
(d) (Zool.) A long, slender, bristlelike process, as the
anal styles of insects.
[1913 Webster]
(e) [Perhaps fr. Gr. sty^los a pillar.] The pin, or
gnomon, of a dial, the shadow of which indicates the
hour. See {Gnomon}.
[1913 Webster]
(f) [Probably fr. Gr. sty^los a pillar.] (Bot.) The
elongated part of a pistil between the ovary and the
stigma. See Illust. of {Stamen}, and of {Pistil}.
[1913 Webster]
3. Mode of expressing thought in language, whether oral or
written; especially, such use of language in the
expression of thought as exhibits the spirit and faculty
of an artist; choice or arrangement of words in discourse;
rhetorical expression.
[1913 Webster]
High style, as when that men to kinges write.
[1913 Webster]
Style is the dress of thoughts. --Chesterfield.
[1913 Webster]
Proper words in proper places make the true
definition of style. --Swift.
[1913 Webster]
It is style alone by which posterity will judge of a
great work. --I. Disraeli.
[1913 Webster]
4. Mode of presentation, especially in music or any of the
fine arts; a characteristic of peculiar mode of developing
in idea or accomplishing a result.
[1913 Webster]
The ornamental style also possesses its own peculiar
merit. --Sir J.
[1913 Webster]
5. Conformity to a recognized standard; manner which is
deemed elegant and appropriate, especially in social
demeanor; fashion.
[1913 Webster]
According to the usual style of dedications. --C.
[1913 Webster]
6. Mode or phrase by which anything is formally designated;
the title; the official designation of any important body;
mode of address; as, the style of Majesty.
[1913 Webster]
One style to a gracious benefactor, another to a
proud, insulting foe. --Burke.
[1913 Webster]
7. (Chron.) A mode of reckoning time, with regard to the
Julian and Gregorian calendars.
[1913 Webster]
Note: Style is Old or New. The Old Style follows the Julian
manner of computing the months and days, or the
calendar as established by Julius Caesar, in which
every fourth year consists of 366 days, and the other
years of 365 days. This is about 11 minutes in a year
too much. Pope Georgy XIII. reformed the calendar by
retrenching 10 days in October, 1582, in order to bring
back the vernal equinox to the same day as at the time
of the Council of Nice, a. d. 325. This reformation was
adopted by act of the British Parliament in 1751, by
which act 11 days in September, 1752, were retrenched,
and the third day was reckoned the fourteenth. This
mode of reckoning is called New Style, according to
which every year divisible by 4, unless it is divisible
by 100 without being divisible by 400, has 366 days,
and any other year 365 days.
[1913 Webster]
{Style of court}, the practice or manner observed by a court
in its proceedings. --Ayliffe.
[1913 Webster]
Syn: Diction; phraseology; manner; course; title. See
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Style \Style\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Styled}; p. pr. & vb. n.
To entitle; to term, name, or call; to denominate. "Styled
great conquerors." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
How well his worth and brave adventures styled.
[1913 Webster]
Syn: To call; name; denominate; designate; term;
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
644 Moby Thesaurus words for "style":
Bauhaus, Byzantine, Corinthian, Dadaism, Doric, Egyptian, English,
Fauvism, French, German, Gothic, Gothicism, Greco-Roman, Greek,
Greek Revival, Ionic, Italian, MO, Moorish, Persian, Platonic form,
Platonic idea, Renaissance, Roman, Romanesque, Spanish, Tuscan,
ability, abstract expressionism, abstractionism, academic, action,
action painting, actions, activity, acts, address, adeptness,
adroitness, aesthetic form, affectation, affinity, air, airmanship,
algorithm, androecium, angle, anther, apparel, appellation,
appellative, approach, archetype, area, arrange, array, art form,
art nouveau, artfulness, artisanship, artistry, aspect, attack,
attire, background, background detail, bag, baptize, baroque,
bearing, bedizenment, behavior, behavior pattern, behavioral norm,
behavioral science, bent, bias, bilge, binomen, binomial name,
blain, bleb, blister, blob, blood, bon ton, boss, bow, brand,
bravura, breed, brilliance, bubble, build, bulb, bulge, bulla,
bump, bunch, burin, burl, button, byword, cachet, cahot, call,
calyx, capability, capacity, carpel, carriage, cast, category,
character, characteristic, characterize, chic, chine, chosen kind,
christen, clan, classicalism, classicism, cleverness, cloisonnism,
clothes, clothing, clump, cognomen, color, coloring, comfort,
command, command of language, competence, complexion, comportment,
conceive, conceptual art, conduct, condyle, configuration,
conformation, constructivism, control, convention, conventionalism,
convex, coordination, corolla, corolla tube, corona,
cosmopolitanism, costume, couch, couch in terms, course, craft,
craftsmanship, craze, cryptonym, cubism, culture pattern, cunning,
cup of tea, custom, cut, dash, decorative composition,
decorative style, define, deftness, demeanor, denominate,
denomination, deportment, description, design, designate,
designation, detail, dexterity, dexterousness, dextrousness,
diction, die, diplomacy, do, doing, doings, dowel, drapery, dress,
dressing, druthers, dub, duds, ear, early renaissance, earth art,
effect, efficiency, eidolon, elan, elegance, elementarism,
embody in words, empty title, engraving tool, entitle, epicalyx,
epithet, eponym, etching ball, etching ground, etching needle,
etching point, euonym, exaggeration, existentialism, expertise,
express, expression of ideas, expressionism, facet, facility, fad,
fancy, fashion, fashionableness, fatigues, favor, feather,
feathers, feature, feeling for words, field, fig, figuration,
figure, finesse, flair, flange, flap, foil, folkway,
foreground detail, form, form of speech, format, formation,
formularize, formulate, forte, frame, free abstraction, futurism,
gall, garb, garments, gear, genre, genus, gestalt, gestures,
give expression to, give words to, gnarl, goings-on, grace,
grace of expression, grain, grandiloquence, graver, grip, guise,
gynoecium, habiliment, habit, hallucinatory painting, handiness,
handle, haute couture, high fashion, hill, honorific, horsemanship,
hump, hunch, hyponym, idealism, identify, idiosyncrasy, ilk, image,
imago, impression, impressionism, in style, inclination, inflation,
ingeniousness, ingenuity, inner form, intaglio, international,
intimism, intuitionism, investiture, investment, jog, joggle,
kidney, kin, kind, kinetic art, knob, knot, know-how, knur, knurl,
label, language, latest thing, layout, leaning, light, likeness,
line, line of action, lineaments, linear chromatism, linen, lines,
lip, literary style, long suit, look, loop, lot, lump, luxury,
main interest, maintien, make, makeup, manner, manner of speaking,
manner of working, mannerism, manners, mark, marksmanship,
mastership, mastery, matrix, matter painting, means, medieval,
megasporophyll, method, methodology, methods, metier,
microsporophyll, mien, minimal art, modality, mode,
mode of expression, mode of operation, mode of procedure, model,
modern, modernism, modus operandi, modus vivendi, mold, mole,
moniker, mood, motif, motions, mountain, movement, movements,
moves, mysticism, name, namesake, national style, naturalism,
nature, needle, neoclassicism, neoconcrete art, neoconstructivism,
nevus, nickname, nomen, nomen nudum, nominate, nonobjectivism,
nuagism, nub, nubbin, nubble, number, observable behavior, op art,
opulence, order, ornamental motif, panache, papilloma, paragraph,
partiality, particular choice, pattern, peculiarity, peg, pencil,
perianth, period, period style, personal choice, personal style,
persuasion, pet subject, petal, phase, phasis, photomontage,
phrase, phraseology, phrasing, phylum, pistil, poetic realism,
poetic tachism, point, pointillism, poise, polish, port, pose,
postexpressionism, posture, practical ability, practice, praxis,
predilection, predisposition, preference, preimpressionism,
prejudice, prepossession, presence, present, prevailing taste,
primitivism, procedure, proceeding, process, proclivity,
proficiency, proper name, proper noun, proper thing, prototype,
prowess, punch, purism, pursuit, put, put in words, quality,
quickness, quietistic painting, race, rage, rags, raiment,
readiness, realism, receptacle, reference, refinement, regard,
repeated figure, representationalism, representationism, resource,
resourcefulness, respect, rhetoric, rhetorize, rib, ridge, ring,
ritziness, robes, rocker, romanticism, routine, savoir-faire,
savvy, school, scientific name, scorper, seal, seamanship,
secret name, seeming, semblance, sense of language, set, set out,
setting, shape, shoulder, side, significant form, simulacrum,
skill, skillfulness, slant, smartness, social science,
sophistication, sort, specialism, speciality, specialization,
specialty, species, specify, spine, spirit, splendor, sportswear,
stamen, stamp, state, stigma, strain, stream of fashion, stripe,
strong point, structure, stud, stylish, stylishness,
stylistic analysis, stylistics, suprematism, surrealism, swim,
symbolism, synchromism, synthesism, system, tab, tachism, tack,
tact, tactfulness, tactics, tag, tailor, taste, tastefulness,
tautonym, technical brilliance, technical mastery, technical skill,
technicality, technique, tendency, tenor, term, the drill,
the grand style, the how, the like of, the likes of,
the plain style, the sublime, the way of, theme, thing, threads,
timing, title, togs, toilette, tone, torus, total effect, touch,
traditionalism, trait, treatment, trend, tribe, trick, trim,
trinomen, trinomial name, tubercle, tubercule, turn, twig, twist,
type, unism, variety, vein, verruca, vesicle, vestment, vesture,
view, viewpoint, virtuosity, vocabulary, vocation, vogue,
vorticism, wale, wart, way, way of life, ways, weakness, wear,
wearing apparel, welt, wise, wit, wizardry, word, wording,
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