WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: a natural body of running water flowing on or under the
earth [syn: {stream}, {watercourse}]
2: dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive
events or ideas; "two streams of development run through
American history"; "stream of consciousness"; "the flow of
thought"; "the current of history" [syn: {stream}, {flow},
3: the act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression [syn:
{flow}, {stream}]
4: something that resembles a flowing stream in moving
continuously; "a stream of people emptied from the terminal";
"the museum had planned carefully for the flow of visitors"
[syn: {stream}, {flow}]
5: a steady flow of a fluid (usually from natural causes); "the
raft floated downstream on the current"; "he felt a stream of
air"; "the hose ejected a stream of water" [syn: {current},
v 1: to extend, wave or float outward, as if in the wind; "their
manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind"
2: exude profusely; "She was streaming with sweat"; "His nose
streamed blood"
3: move in large numbers; "people were pouring out of the
theater"; "beggars pullulated in the plaza" [syn: {pour},
{swarm}, {stream}, {teem}, {pullulate}]
4: rain heavily; "Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside!"
[syn: {pour}, {pelt}, {stream}, {rain cats and dogs}, {rain
5: flow freely and abundantly; "Tears streamed down her face"
[syn: {stream}, {well out}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Stream \Stream\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Streamed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To issue or flow in a stream; to flow freely or in a
current, as a fluid or whatever is likened to fluids; as,
tears streamed from her eyes.
[1913 Webster]
Beneath those banks where rivers stream. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
2. To pour out, or emit, a stream or streams.
[1913 Webster]
A thousand suns will stream on thee. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
3. To issue in a stream of light; to radiate.
[1913 Webster]
4. To extend; to stretch out with a wavy motion; to float in
the wind; as, a flag streams in the wind.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Stream \Stream\ (str[=e]m), n. [AS. stre['a]m; akin to OFries.
str[=a]m, OS. str[=o]m, D. stroom, G. strom, OHG. stroum,
str[=u]m, Dan. & Sw. str["o]m, Icel. straumr, Ir. sroth,
Lith. srove, Russ. struia, Gr. "ry`sis a flowing, "rei^n to
flow, Skr. sru. [root]174. Cf. {Catarrh}, {Diarrhea},
{Rheum}, {Rhythm}.]
1. A current of water or other fluid; a liquid flowing
continuously in a line or course, either on the earth, as
a river, brook, etc., or from a vessel, reservoir, or
fountain; specifically, any course of running water; as,
many streams are blended in the Mississippi; gas and steam
came from the earth in streams; a stream of molten lead
from a furnace; a stream of lava from a volcano.
[1913 Webster]
2. A beam or ray of light. "Sun streams." --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]
3. Anything issuing or moving with continued succession of
parts; as, a stream of words; a stream of sand. "The
stream of beneficence." --Atterbury. "The stream of
emigration." --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]
4. A continued current or course; as, a stream of weather.
"The very stream of his life." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
5. Current; drift; tendency; series of tending or moving
causes; as, the stream of opinions or manners.
[1913 Webster]
{Gulf stream}. See under {Gulf}.
{Stream anchor}, {Stream cable}. (Naut.) See under {Anchor},
and {Cable}.
{Stream ice}, blocks of ice floating in a mass together in
some definite direction.
{Stream tin}, particles or masses of tin ore found in
alluvial ground; -- so called because a stream of water is
the principal agent used in separating the ore from the
sand and gravel.
{Stream works} (Cornish Mining), a place where an alluvial
deposit of tin ore is worked. --Ure.
{To float with the stream}, figuratively, to drift with the
current of opinion, custom, etc., so as not to oppose or
check it.
[1913 Webster]
Syn: Current; flow; rush; tide; course.
Usage: {Stream}, {Current}. These words are often properly
interchangeable; but stream is the broader word,
denoting a prevailing onward course. The stream of the
Mississippi rolls steadily on to the Gulf of Mexico,
but there are reflex currents in it which run for a
while in a contrary direction.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Stream \Stream\, v. t.
To send forth in a current or stream; to cause to flow; to
pour; as, his eyes streamed tears.
[1913 Webster]
It may so please that she at length will stream
Some dew of grace into my withered heart. --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]
2. To mark with colors or embroidery in long tracts.
[1913 Webster]
The herald's mantle is streamed with gold. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]
3. To unfurl. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
{To stream the buoy}. (Naut.) See under {Buoy}.
[1913 Webster]
The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
1. <communications> An {abstraction} referring to any flow of
data from a source (or sender, producer) to a single sink (or
receiver, consumer). A stream usually flows through a channel
of some kind, as opposed to {packets} which may be addressed
and routed independently, possibly to multiple recipients.
Streams usually require some mechanism for establishing a
channel or a "{connection}" between the sender and receiver.
2. <programming> In the {C} language's buffered input/ouput
library functions, a stream is associated with a file or
device which has been opened using {fopen}. Characters may be
read from (written to) a stream without knowing their actual
source (destination) and buffering is provided transparently
by the library routines.
3. <operating system> Confusingly, {Sun} have called their
modular {device driver} mechanism "{STREAMS}".
4. <operating system> In {IBM}'s {AIX} {operating system}, a
stream is a {full-duplex} processing and data transfer path
between a driver in {kernel space} and a process in {user
[IBM AIX 3.2 Communication Programming Concepts,
5. <communications> {streaming}.
6. <programming> {lazy list}.
Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
STREAM. A current of water. The right to a water course is not a right in
the fluid itself so much as a right in the current of the stream. 2 Bouv.
Inst. n. 1612. See River; Water Course.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
424 Moby Thesaurus words for "stream":
Brownian movement, X ray, Zeitgeist, abound, abundance,
actinic ray, actinism, advance, affluence, afflux, affluxion,
air current, ample sufficiency, ampleness, amplitude,
angular motion, appear, arise, ascend, ascending, ascent, assemble,
atomic beam, atomic ray, avalanche, axial motion, back, back up,
backflowing, backing, backward motion, backwash, barrage, beam,
beam of light, bearing, beck, become manifest, become visible,
bonanza, bountifulness, bountiousness, branch, bristle with, brook,
brooklet, budge, bumper crop, bunch, bunch up, burn, caravan,
career, cascade, cataract, cavalcade, chain, change, change place,
channel, circle, climb, climbing, clot, cluster, collect, column,
come, come forth, come forward, come in sight, come out,
come to hand, come to light, come together, commute, concourse,
condensation trail, confluence, conflux, congregate, contrail,
converge, copiousness, copulate, cortege, couple, course,
cover ground, crawl with, creek, creep with, crop out,
crosscurrent, crowd, current, current of air, date, defluxion,
deluge, descend, descending, descent, direction, downdraft,
downflow, downpour, downward motion, draft, dress parade, drift,
driftage, drizzle, drum, ebb, ebbing, effluence, efflux, effusion,
emanate, emerge, enter, exhaust, extravagance, exuberance,
exuberate, fade in, fall, fall wind, fare, fare forth, fertility,
fetch, file, flight, flit, flock together, flood, flow, flow back,
flow in, flow of air, flow out, flow together, flowing, fluency,
flush, flux, flyover, foison, following wind, forgather,
forward motion, fountain, freshet, full measure, fullness, funeral,
fuse, gamma ray, gang, gang around, gang up, gather, gather around,
generosity, generousness, get over, geyser, gill, glacial movement,
gleam, glide, go, go along, go around, go round, go sideways,
great abundance, great plenty, gush, gyrate, head wind,
heave in sight, herd together, hie, hive, horde, huddle, indraft,
inflow, infrared ray, inhalation, inrush, inspiration,
invisible radiation, issue, issue forth, jet, jetstream,
katabatic wind, kill, landslide, lavishness, league, leam,
liberality, liberalness, line, link, look forth, loom, lots,
luxuriance, main current, mainstream, make, march, march past,
mass, materialize, maximum, meet, merge, mill, mill run, millrace,
mizzle, monsoon, more than enough, motion, motorcade, mount,
mounting, move, move along, move on, move over, movement,
movement of air, much, mule train, muster, myriad, myriads,
numerousness, oblique motion, ongoing, onrush, onward course,
opulence, opulency, outcrop, outflow, outpouring, overflow,
pack train, parade, pass, passage, patch, patter, peep out, pelt,
pencil, photon, pitter-patter, plenitude, plenteousness,
plentifulness, plenty, plunge, plunging, pomp, pour,
pour with rain, precipitate, prevalence, proceed, procession,
prodigality, productiveness, profuseness, profusion, progress,
proliferate, promenade, quantities, queue, race, radial motion,
radiation, radiorays, rain, rain tadpoles, rally, rally around,
random motion, ray, ray of light, reflowing, refluence, reflux,
regress, regression, regurgitate, rendezvous, repleteness,
repletion, retrogress, retrogression, review, ribbon,
ribbon of light, rich harvest, rich vein, richness, rill, riot,
riotousness, rise, rising, river, rivulet, roll, roll on, rotate,
row, run, run over, runnel, rush, sashay, scads, see the light,
seethe, series, set, shift, shoot, show, show up, shower,
shower down, sideward motion, sink, sinking, skimmington, slide,
slip, soar, soaring, solar rays, spate, spatter, spin, spit, spout,
sprinkle, spurt, squirt, sternway, stir, streak, stream forth,
stream of air, stream of light, streamer, streamlet,
strike the eye, string, subside, subsiding, substantiality,
substantialness, succession, superabundance, surge, surge back,
swarm, swarm with, swing, tail wind, tattoo, teem, teem with,
teemingness, tenor, the general tendency, the main course, throng,
tide, time spirit, tone, torrent, train, traject, trajet, travel,
trend, tributary, turn up, ultraviolet ray, undercurrent, undertow,
unite, updraft, upward motion, vapor trail, violet ray, vortex,
wake, walk, wane, wash, water flow, watercourse, waterway, wayfare,
wealth, weep, wend, whirl, wind
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