
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: a line of people or vehicles waiting for something [syn:
         {queue}, {waiting line}]
    2: (information processing) an ordered list of tasks to be
       performed or messages to be transmitted
    3: a braid of hair at the back of the head
    v 1: form a queue, form a line, stand in line; "Customers lined
         up in front of the store" [syn: {line up}, {queue up},
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Queue \Queue\, n. [F. See {Cue}.]
   (a) A tail-like appendage of hair; a pigtail.
   (b) A line of persons waiting anywhere.
       [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Queue \Queue\, v. t.
   To fasten, as hair, in a queue.
   [1913 Webster]
from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)

   <programming> A {first-in first-out} data structure used to
   sequence objects.  Objects are added to the tail of the queue
   ("enqueued") and taken off the head ("dequeued").

   For example, an {operating system} might use a queue to
   serialise {concurrent} demands for a resource such as a
   {printer}, {processor} or communications channel.  Users might
   place files on a print queue and a {background} process or
   "{demon}" would take them off and print them.  Another common
   use is to pass data between an {interrupt handler} and a user

from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
101 Moby Thesaurus words for "queue":
      Indian file, afterpart, afterpiece, array, articulation, bank,
      braid, brush, bun, buzz, catena, catenation, cauda,
      caudal appendage, caudation, chain, chain reaction, chaining,
      chignon, coil, column, concatenation, connection, consecution,
      continuum, cordon, cortege, course, crocodile, cue, cycle, descent,
      dock, drone, echelon, endless belt, endless round, fall in,
      fall into line, fall into rank, fantail, file, filiation,
      form a line, gamut, get in formation, get in line, gradation, hum,
      knot, line, line up, lineage, monotone, nexus, order, pendulum,
      periodicity, picket, pigtail, plait, plenum, powder train,
      procession, progression, queue up, range, rank, rattail,
      recurrence, reticulation, retinue, rotation, round, routine, row,
      run, scale, sequence, series, single file, spectrum, string, stub,
      succession, swath, tab, tag, tail, tailback, tailpiece, take rank,
      thread, tier, topknot, trail, trailer, train, twist, wake,


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