well done
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
58 Moby Thesaurus words for "well done":
Daedalian, adept, adroit, apt, artistic, authoritative, bien cuit,
bravura, brilliant, clean, clever, coordinated, crack, crackerjack,
cunning, cute, daedal, deft, dexterous, dextrous, diplomatic, done,
doneness, excellent, expert, fancy, good, goodish, graceful, handy,
ingenious, magisterial, masterful, masterly, medium, medium-rare,
neat, no mean, overcooked, overdone, politic, professional,
proficient, quick, quite some, ready, resourceful, skillful, slick,
some, statesmanlike, stylish, tactful, the compleat, the complete,
virtuoso, well-cooked, workmanlike
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