
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude;
           "adept in handicrafts"; "an adept juggler"; "an expert
           job"; "a good mechanic"; "a practiced marksman"; "a
           proficient engineer"; "a lesser-known but no less
           skillful composer"; "the effect was achieved by skillful
           retouching" [syn: {adept}, {expert}, {good}, {practiced},
           {proficient}, {skillful}, {skilful}]
    n 1: someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field [syn: {ace},
         {adept}, {champion}, {sensation}, {maven}, {mavin},
         {virtuoso}, {genius}, {hotshot}, {star}, {superstar},
         {whiz}, {whizz}, {wizard}, {wiz}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Adept \A*dept"\, n. [L. adeptus obtained (sc. artem), ?he who
   has obtained an art, p. p. of adipsci to arrive ?at, to
   obtain; ad + apisci to pursue. See {Apt}, and cf. {Adapt}.]
   One fully skilled or well versed in anything; a proficient;
   as, adepts in philosophy.
   [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Adept \A*dept"\, a.
   Well skilled; completely versed; thoroughly proficient.
   [1913 Webster]

         Beaus adept in everything profound.      --Cowper.
   [1913 Webster]
from V.E.R.A. -- Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms (June 2006)
       Administrative Data Entry for Processing Transmission (mil., USA)
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
118 Moby Thesaurus words for "adept":
      Admirable Crichton, Daedalian, able, accomplished, adept in,
      adroit, anthroposophist, apt, artisan, artist, artistic,
      at home in, attache, authoritative, authority, bravura, brilliant,
      cabalist, clean, clever, connaisseur, connoisseur, consultant,
      coordinated, cordon bleu, crack, crack shot, crackerjack,
      craftsman, cunning, cute, dabster, daedal, dead shot, deft,
      dexterous, dextrous, diplomat, diplomatic, diplomatist,
      elder statesman, esoteric, excellent, experienced hand, expert,
      expert at, expert consultant, fancy, good, good at, goodish,
      graceful, graduate, handy, handy at, handy man, ingenious,
      journeyman, magisterial, mahatma, marksman, master, master of,
      masterful, masterly, mystagogue, mystic, neat, no mean, no slouch,
      old hand, past master, polished, politic, politician, pro,
      professional, professor, proficient, proficient in, quick,
      quite some, ready, resourceful, savant, shark, sharp, skilled,
      skilled in, skillful, slick, some, specialist, statesman,
      statesmanlike, strong in, stylish, supernaturalist, tactful,
      technical adviser, technician, the compleat, the complete,
      theosophist, transcendentalist, up on, versed, versed in, virtuoso,
      well up on, well-done, well-versed, whiz, wizard, workmanlike,
      yogi, yogin, yogist


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