Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
83 Moby Thesaurus words for "unfading":
abiding, age-long, aged, amaranthine, ancient, antique, changeless,
chronic, colorfast, constant, continuing, deathless, deep-dyed,
diuturnal, double-dyed, durable, dyed-in-the-wool, embalmed,
enduring, ever-fresh, evergreen, everlasting, fadeless, fast, firm,
fixed, frozen, hardy, immobile, immortal, immutable, imperishable,
incorruptible, indelible, ingrain, ingrained, intact, intransient,
inveterate, inviolate, lasting, long-lasting, long-lived,
long-standing, long-term, longeval, longevous, macrobiotic,
never-dying, of long duration, of long standing, perdurable,
perduring, perennial, permanent, perpetual, persistent, persisting,
quiescent, remaining, rigid, sempervirent, solid, stable, static,
stationary, staying, steadfast, sustained, torpid, tough,
unaltered, unchangeable, unchanged, unchanging, unchecked,
undestroyed, undying, unfailing, unshifting, unvaried, unvarying,
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