Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
98 Moby Thesaurus words for "tom":
Bantam, Cheshire cat, Chinchilla cat, Maltese cat, alley cat,
banty, barn-door fowl, barnyard fowl, biddy, billy, billy goat,
blue cat, boar, broiler, brooder, broody hen, bubbly-jock, buck,
bull, bullock, calico cat, capon, cat, chanticleer, chick,
chickabiddy, chicken, chicky, cock, cockerel, dog, domestic fowl,
drake, duck, duckling, dunghill fowl, entire, entire horse, feline,
fowl, fryer, game fowl, gander, gib, gib-cat, gobbler, goose,
gosling, grimalkin, guinea cock, guinea fowl, guinea hen, hart,
he-goat, hen, hen turkey, house cat, kit, kitling, kitten, kitty,
kitty-cat, mouser, partlet, peacock, poulard, poult, poultry,
pullet, puss, pussy, pussycat, ram, roaster, rooster, setting hen,
silver cat, spring chicken, stag, stallion, steer, stewing chicken,
stot, stud, studhorse, tabby, tabby cat, tiger cat, tom turkey,
tomcat, top cow, top horse, tortoise-shell cat, tup, turkey,
turkey gobbler, turkey-cock, wether
Who Was Who: 5000 B. C. to Date
Uncle, an old negro actor who appeared in every city,
town, village, and hamlet in the United States north of the
Confederate States. His history was written by Mrs. H. B.
Stowe, and was the match which kindled the Civil War. The
Northerners have since learned that all negroes are not Uncle
Toms, and are wondering whether any mistakes were made back in
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