
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adv 1: firmly or closely; "held fast to the rope"; "her foot was
           stuck fast"; "held tight" [syn: {fast}, {tight}]
    2: in an attentive manner; "he remained close on his guard"
       [syn: {close}, {closely}, {tight}]
    adj 1: closely constrained or constricted or constricting;
           "tight skirts"; "he hated tight starched collars";
           "fingers closed in a tight fist"; "a tight feeling in his
           chest" [ant: {loose}]
    2: pulled or drawn tight; "taut sails"; "a tight drumhead"; "a
       tight rope" [syn: {taut}, {tight}]
    3: set so close together as to be invulnerable to penetration;
       "in tight formation"; "a tight blockade"
    4: pressed tightly together; "with lips compressed" [syn:
       {compressed}, {tight}]
    5: (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative
       of lack of generosity; "a mean person"; "he left a miserly
       tip" [syn: {mean}, {mingy}, {miserly}, {tight}]
    6: affected by scarcity and expensive to borrow; "tight money";
       "a tight market"
    7: of such close construction as to be impermeable; "a tight
       roof"; "warm in our tight little house" [ant: {leaky}]
    8: of textiles; "a close weave"; "smooth percale with a very
       tight weave" [syn: {close}, {tight}]
    9: securely or solidly fixed in place; rigid; "the bolts are
    10: (of a contest or contestants) evenly matched; "a close
        contest"; "a close election"; "a tight game" [syn: {close},
    11: very drunk [syn: {besotted}, {blind drunk}, {blotto},
        {crocked}, {cockeyed}, {fuddled}, {loaded}, {pie-eyed},
        {pissed}, {pixilated}, {plastered}, {slopped}, {sloshed},
        {smashed}, {soaked}, {soused}, {sozzled}, {squiffy},
        {stiff}, {tight}, {wet}]
    12: exasperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent; "a nasty
        problem"; "a good man to have on your side in a tight
        situation" [syn: {nasty}, {tight}]
    13: demanding strict attention to rules and procedures;
        "rigorous discipline"; "tight security"; "stringent safety
        measures" [syn: {rigorous}, {stringent}, {tight}]
    14: packed closely together; "they stood in a tight little
        group"; "hair in tight curls"; "the pub was packed tight"
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Tie \Tie\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Tied}(Obs. {Tight}); p. pr. &
   vb. n. {Tying}.] [OE. ti?en, teyen, AS. t[imac]gan,
   ti['e]gan, fr. te['a]g, te['a]h, a rope; akin to Icel. taug,
   and AS. te['o]n to draw, to pull. See {Tug}, v. t., and cf.
   {Tow} to drag.]
   1. To fasten with a band or cord and knot; to bind. "Tie the
      kine to the cart." --1 Sam. vi. 7.
      [1913 Webster]

            My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake
            not the law of thy mother: bind them continually
            upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck.
                                                  --Prov. vi.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. To form, as a knot, by interlacing or complicating a cord;
      also, to interlace, or form a knot in; as, to tie a cord
      to a tree; to knit; to knot. "We do not tie this knot with
      an intention to puzzle the argument." --Bp. Burnet.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. To unite firmly; to fasten; to hold.
      [1913 Webster]

            In bond of virtuous love together tied. --Fairfax.
      [1913 Webster]

   4. To hold or constrain by authority or moral influence, as
      by knotted cords; to oblige; to constrain; to restrain; to
      [1913 Webster]

            Not tied to rules of policy, you find
            Revenge less sweet than a forgiving mind. --Dryden.
      [1913 Webster]

   5. (Mus.) To unite, as notes, by a cross line, or by a curved
      line, or slur, drawn over or under them.
      [1913 Webster]

   6. To make an equal score with, in a contest; to be even
      [1913 Webster]

   {To ride and tie}. See under {Ride}.

   {To tie down}.
      (a) To fasten so as to prevent from rising.
      (b) To restrain; to confine; to hinder from action.

   {To tie up}, to confine; to restrain; to hinder from motion
      or action.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Tight \Tight\ (t[imac]t), obs.
   p. p. of {Tie}. --Spenser.
   [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Tight \Tight\, a. [Compar. {Tighter} (t[imac]t"[~e]r); superl.
   {Tightest}.] [OE. tight, thiht; probably of Scand. origin;
   cf. Icel. [thorn][=e]ttr, Dan. t[ae]t, Sw. t[aum]t: akin to
   D. & G. dicht thick, tight, and perhaps to E. thee to thrive,
   or to thick. Cf. {Taut}.]
   1. Firmly held together; compact; not loose or open; as,
      tight cloth; a tight knot.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. Close, so as not to admit the passage of a liquid or other
      fluid; not leaky; as, a tight ship; a tight cask; a tight
      room; -- often used in this sense as the second member of
      a compound; as, water-tight; air-tight.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. Fitting close, or too close, to the body; as, a tight coat
      or other garment.
      [1913 Webster]

   4. Not ragged; whole; neat; tidy.
      [1913 Webster]

            Clad very plain, but clean and tight. --Evelyn.
      [1913 Webster]

            I'll spin and card, and keep our children tight.
      [1913 Webster]

   5. Close; parsimonious; saving; as, a man tight in his
      dealings. [Colloq.]
      [1913 Webster]

   6. Not slack or loose; firmly stretched; taut; -- applied to
      a rope, chain, or the like, extended or stretched out.
      [1913 Webster]

   7. Handy; adroit; brisk. [Obs.] --Shak.
      [1913 Webster]

   8. Somewhat intoxicated; tipsy. [Slang]
      [1913 Webster]

   9. (Com.) Pressing; stringent; not easy; firmly held; dear;
      -- said of money or the money market. Cf. {Easy}, 7.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Tight \Tight\, v. t.
   To tighten. [Obs.]
   [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
328 Moby Thesaurus words for "tight":
      Spartan, abbreviated, abridged, afflicted, airtight, all ataunto,
      anal, angustifoliate, angustirostrate, angustisellate,
      angustiseptal, aposiopestic, arduous, ataunt, austere, autocratic,
      avaricious, ballproof, bent, binding, boiled, bombed, bombproof,
      bonded, boozy, brief, brusque, bulletproof, bungup and bilge-free,
      burglarproof, canned, cemented, cheap, cheeseparing, chinchy,
      chintzy, circumscribed, clipped, close, close-fitting, closefisted,
      closely, cockeyed, cockeyed drunk, compact, compactly, compendious,
      compressed, concise, condensed, confined, connected, consecutive,
      consistent, constricted, continuous, contracted, corrosionproof,
      cramp, cramped, crisp, critical, crocked, crocko, crowded, curt,
      cut, dampproof, dangerous, dear, dense, densely, difficult, dinky,
      distressing, disturbing, docked, dragged out, drawn, drawn out,
      drunk, drunken, dustproof, dusttight, elevated, elliptic,
      elongated, epigrammatic, exacting, exiguous, expensive, extended,
      fast, fastened, fire-resisting, fireproof, firm, firmly, fixed,
      fixedly, flameproof, foolproof, fried, fuddled, gasproof, gastight,
      glued, gnomic, half-seas over, hard and fast, hardfisted, harsh,
      hazardous, hermetic, hermetically sealed, high, holeproof,
      illiberal, illuminated, impenetrable, impermeable, impervious,
      impervious to, incapacious, incommodious, inebriated, inflexible,
      infrequent, inseparably, intoxicated, isthmian, isthmic, jammed,
      joined, laconic, leakproof, lengthened, lightproof, lighttight,
      limited, lit, lit up, loaded, lubricated, lushy, meager, mean,
      mingy, miserly, muzzy, narrow, near, neat, niggardly, noiseproof,
      oiled, oilproof, oiltight, orderly, organized, parsimonious,
      penny-pinching, penurious, perilous, pickled, piddling, pie-eyed,
      pinchfisted, pinching, pissed, pissy-eyed, pithy, plastered,
      pointed, pokerlike, polluted, poor, potted, precarious,
      problematic, prolongated, prolonged, proof, proof against,
      protracted, pruned, pulled, punctureproof, punishing, raddled,
      rainproof, raintight, ramrodlike, rare, renitent, reserved,
      resistant, restricted, restrictive, rigid, rigorous, risky,
      rodlike, rough, rustproof, save-all, scant, scanty, scarce,
      scattered, scrimping, scrimpy, sealed, secure, secured, securely,
      seldom met with, seldom seen, sententious, sequent, sequential,
      serial, set, severe, shatterproof, shellacked, shellproof,
      shipshape, short, short and sweet, shortened, shut fast, skimping,
      skimpy, skintight, skunk-drunk, sleek, slender, slick, slim, smart,
      smashed, smokeproof, smoketight, snug, soaked, solid, solidly,
      soundproof, soused, sparse, spotty, sprinkled, spruce, spun out,
      squiffy, starched, starchy, staunch, steadfast, steadfastly, stern,
      stewed, sticky, stiff, stiff as buckram, stingy, stinko,
      stormproof, stormtight, straggling, strained, strait, stretched,
      stretched out, strict, stringent, strung out, stuck, succinct,
      summary, swacked, synopsized, taciturn, tanked, taped, taut,
      tenacious, tense, terse, thick, thin, ticklish, tiddly, tidy,
      tight-fisted, tightened, tightfisted, tightly, tipsy, to the point,
      touch-and-go, touchy, tough, tricksy, tricky, trig, trim,
      truncated, trying, uncompromising, under the influence, ungenerous,
      uninterrupted, unrelaxed, unyielding, upsetting, virgate,
      water-repellant, waterproof, watertight, weatherproof, wedged,
      well-cared-for, well-groomed, windproof, windtight, woozy


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