thirty adj 1: being ten more than twenty [syn: {thirty}, {30}, {xxx}] n 1: the cardinal number that is the product of ten and three [syn: {thirty}, {30}, {XXX}]
Thirty \Thir"ty\, a. [OE. thritty, AS. [thorn]r[imac]tig, [thorn]rittig; akin to D. dertig, G. dreissig, Icel. [thorn]rj[=a]t[imac]u, [thorn]rj[=a]tigi, [thorn]rir teger, Goth. [thorn]reis tigjus, i.e., three tens. See {Three}, and Ten, and cf. {Thirteen}.] Being three times ten; consisting of one more than twenty-nine; twenty and ten; as, the month of June consists of thirty days. [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster]
Thirty \Thir"ty\, n.; pl. {Thirties}. 1. The sum of three tens, or twenty and ten; thirty units or objects. [1913 Webster] 2. A symbol expressing thirty, as 30, or XXX. [1913 Webster]