starry eyed
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
61 Moby Thesaurus words for "starry eyed":
airy, ape about, autistic, beaming, beatific, beatified, blessed,
blissful, bugs on, capering, cheerful, chirping, cracked on,
crazy about, dancing, dereistic, flushed with joy, freaked-out,
gaga over, gay, glad, glowing, gone on, happy, hepped up over,
hipped on, hot about, idealistic, impractical, in the clouds,
joyful, joyous, laughing, leaping, mad about, nuts about, nuts on,
otherworldly, poetic, purring, quixotic, radiant, romancing,
romantic, romanticized, singing, smiling, smirking, sparkling,
starry-eyed over, steamed up about, storybook, thrice happy,
transcendental, transmundane, turned-on, unpractical, unrealistic,
visionary, wild about, wish-fulfilling
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