The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Joyous \Joy"ous\, a. [OE. joyous, joious, joios, F. joyeux.See
Glad; gay; merry; joyful; also, affording or inspiring joy;
with of before the word or words expressing the cause of joy.
[1913 Webster]
Is this your joyous city? --Is. xxiii.
[1913 Webster]
They all as glad as birds of joyous prime. --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]
And joyous of our conquest early won. --Dryden.
Syn: Merry; lively; blithe; gleeful; gay; glad; mirthful;
sportive; festive; joyful; happy; blissful; charming;
delightful. -- {Joy"ous*ly}, adv. -- {Joy"ous*ness}, n.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
62 Moby Thesaurus words for "joyous":
animating, beaming, beatific, beatified, blessed, blissful, buxom,
capering, cheerful, cheering, cheery, chirping, convivial, dancing,
ecstatic, encouraging, enlivening, exhilarating, festal, festive,
flushed with joy, frivolous, gala, gay, glad, gladdening, gladsome,
gleeful, glowing, happy, heart-warming, heartening, hilarious,
inspiring, inspiriting, invigorating, jocular, jocund, jolly,
jovial, joyful, laughing, laughter-loving, leaping, lighthearted,
merry, merrymaking, mirth-loving, mirthful, on the loose, purring,
radiant, rapturous, rejoicing, risible, singing, smiling, smirking,
sparkling, starry-eyed, thrice happy, transported
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