sphacelate v 1: undergo necrosis; "the tissue around the wound necrosed" [syn: {necrose}, {gangrene}, {mortify}, {sphacelate}]
Sphacelate \Sphac"e*late\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Sphacelated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sphacelating}.] [NL. sphacelare, sphacelatum, mortify: cf. F. sphac['e]ler. See {Sphacelus}.] (Med.) To die, decay, or become gangrenous, as flesh or bone; to mortify. [1913 Webster]
Sphacelate \Sphac"e*late\, v. t. (Med.) To affect with gangrene. [1913 Webster] Sphacelate
Sphacelate \Sphac"e*late\, Sphacelated \Sphac"e*la`ted\, a. (Med.) Affected with gangrene; mortified. [1913 Webster]