WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: vibrating slightly and irregularly; as e.g. with fear or
cold or like the leaves of an aspen in a breeze; "a
quaking bog"; "the quaking child asked for more";
"quivering leaves of a poplar tree"; "with shaking
knees"; "seemed shaky on her feet"; "sparkling light from
the shivering crystals of the chandelier"; "trembling
hands" [syn: {shaky}, {shivering}, {trembling}]
n 1: a sensation of cold that often marks the start of an
infection and the development of a fever [syn: {chill},
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Shiver \Shiv"er\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shivered}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Shivering}.] [OE. schiveren, scheveren; cf. OD.
scheveren. See {Shiver} a fragment.]
To break into many small pieces, or splinters; to shatter; to
dash to pieces by a blow; as, to shiver a glass goblet.
[1913 Webster]
All the ground
With shivered armor strown. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
78 Moby Thesaurus words for "shivering":
ache, aching, agitated, ague, aguey, aguish, algid, all shook up,
all-overish, aspen, blue with cold, bumpiness, chattering,
chilblains, chill, chilliness, chilling, chilly, chorea, cold,
cold creeps, cold shivers, cool, creeps, cryopathy, dithers,
dithery, duck bumps, fidgeting, fidgety, fits and starts, fluttery,
frostbite, frozen, frozen to death, goose bumps, goose pimples,
gooseflesh, half-frozen, horripilation, in a quiver, jactation,
jactitation, jerkiness, jittery, joltiness, jumpy, kibe, palsied,
palsy, quaking, quavering, quavery, quivering, quivery, shakes,
shaking, shaky, shivers, shivery, shook up, shuddering, skittery,
spasms, succussatory, succussion, succussive, trembling, trembly,
tremulant, tremulous, tremulousness, twitchy, twittery, vibrating,
vibration, with chattering teeth, wobbly
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