
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adv 1: (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct;
           "lasted approximately an hour"; "in just about a minute";
           "he's about 30 years old"; "I've had about all I can
           stand"; "we meet about once a month"; "some forty people
           came"; "weighs around a hundred pounds"; "roughly
           $3,000"; "holds 3 gallons, more or less"; "20 or so
           people were at the party" [syn: {approximately}, {about},
           {close to}, {just about}, {some}, {roughly}, {more or
           less}, {around}, {or so}]
    2: with roughness or violence (`rough' is an informal variant
       for `roughly'); "he was pushed roughly aside"; "they treated
       him rough" [syn: {roughly}, {rough}]
    3: with rough motion as over a rough surface; "ride rough" [syn:
       {roughly}, {rough}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Roughly \Rough"ly\, adv.
   In a rough manner; unevenly; harshly; rudely; severely;
   [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
136 Moby Thesaurus words for "roughly":
      about, all but, all in all, all things considered, almost,
      altogether, approximately, approximatively, around, as a rule,
      as a whole, as an approximation, as good as,
      at irregular intervals, at large, at random, austerely, awkwardly,
      badly, broadly, broadly speaking, brokenly, brutally, by and large,
      by catches, by fits, by jerks, by snatches, capriciously, chiefly,
      choppily, clumsily, coarsely, commonly, crassly, crudely, cruelly,
      desultorily, disconnectedly, discontinuously, eccentrically,
      erratically, fitfully, for practical purposes, generally,
      generally speaking, grimly, grossly, haltingly, hardly, harshly,
      heartlessly, improperly, in general, in round numbers, in snatches,
      in spots, in the rough, inartistically, inclemently, inconstantly,
      indecently, indecorously, indelicately, inefficiently, inelegantly,
      ineptly, inexpertly, inhumanly, intermittently, irregularly,
      jaggedly, jerkily, just about, lurchingly, mainly, maladroitly,
      mercilessly, more or less, most, mostly, nearly, nonuniformly,
      normally, off and on, offensively, on balance, on the whole,
      ordinarily, overall, painfully, patchily, pitilessly, practically,
      predominantly, prevailingly, primitively, raggedly, ribaldly,
      rigorously, rough, roughly speaking, roundly, routinely, rudely,
      ruthlessly, savagely, say, severely, spasmodically,
      speaking generally, sporadically, spottily, sternly, stringently,
      uncertainly, uncouthly, unevenly, unkindly, unmercifully,
      unmethodically, unpredictably, unrhythmically, unseemly,
      unsparingly, unsteadily, unsympathetically, unsystematically,
      untastefully, usually, variably, violently, vulgarly, well-nigh,
      whimsically, wobblingly


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