
from Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)

   The new {Evil Empire} (the old one was {IBM}). The basic complaints
   are, as formerly with IBM, that (a) their system designs are horrible
   botches, (b) we can't get {source} to fix them, and (c) they throw
   their weight around a lot. See also {Halloween Documents}.
from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
Microsoft Corporation

   <company> The biggest supplier of {operating systems} and
   other software for {IBM PC} compatibles.  Software products
   include {MS-DOS}, {Microsoft Windows}, {Windows NT},
   {Microsoft Access}, {LAN Manager}, {MS Client}, {SQL Server},
   {Open Data Base Connectivity} (ODBC), {MS Mail}, and {SNA
   Server} for Windows NT.

   Microsoft was founded as "Micro-soft" in 1975 by {Bill Gates}
   (now CEO) and his high school pal Paul Allen.  Their first
   product was a version of {BASIC} for the new {Altair} computer
   [which one?].  In 1980, {IBM} chose Microsoft to supply the
   {operating system} for the {IBM PC}.

   On the UK television program "The Net" in May 1994, {Bill
   Gates} said he was betting his company on the {information

   Quarterly sales $1293M, profits $362M (Aug 1994).


   Interesting Info and Other Microsoft WWW Servers

   Microsoft Windows Developer Information

   Microsoft Research Group Information

   maintained by the Personal Operating Systems Division to
   distribute information on {Microsoft Windows}, {MS-DOS} and
   {Windows 95}.


[email protected]