WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: a publication (such as a book) that is reprinted without
changes or editing and offered again for sale [syn:
{reissue}, {reprint}, {reprinting}]
v 1: print anew; "They never reprinted the famous treatise"
[syn: {reprint}, {reissue}]
2: issue (a new version of); "if you forget your password, it
can be changed and reissued"
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
141 Moby Thesaurus words for "reissue":
battologize, bring out, circulate, copy, critique, demonetize,
devaluate, devalue, do over, duplicate, duplication, dwelling upon,
elaboration, engrave, fill, get out, give an encore, go over,
go through, going over, hectograph, imitation, impress, impression,
imprint, issue, iterate, iteration, letterpress, mackle, make over,
mimeograph, multigraph, offcut, offprint, offset, overprint, pad,
palingenesis, practice, practicing, print, printing, proof, prove,
publish, pull, pull a proof, put out, put to bed, put to press,
re-create, re-creation, re-form, re-formation, reaffirm,
reaffirmation, reassert, rebirth, rebuild, rebuilding, recap,
recapitulate, recapitulation, recital, recite, reconstitute,
reconstitution, reconstruct, reconstruction, recount, recountal,
recounting, redesign, redo, redoing, reedition, reestablish,
reestablishment, refashion, refashioning, refound, regenerate,
regeneration, regenesis, rehash, rehearsal, rehearse, reinstitute,
reinstitution, reiterate, reiteration, remake, remaking,
remonetize, renascence, renovate, renovation, reorganization,
reorganize, repeat, repetition, reprint, reprinting, reproduce,
reproduction, reshape, reshaping, restate, restatement,
restoration, restore, restructure, restructuring, resume,
resurrect, resurrection, retail, retell, retelling, revalue,
review, revise, revision, revival, revive, reword, run, run off,
run over, say over, say over again, setoff, stamp, strike, sum up,
summarize, summary, summing up, tautologize, utter
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