recursive data types

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Perhaps one of these: resources, rusa aristotelis, recursion, recharge, research and development, rogers, oh, resource fork, rigor caloris, rogers, ar, resource description framework, rookeries, rigourousness, regression toward the mean, recursive descent parser, ragwork, regurgitation, regressing, regress, rogers city, mi, regorge, recursive functional algorithmic language, regression line, research center, rock creek, rogers, nd, resurrection of christ, ray grass, razor shell, regression equation, recursion theory, rock cork, rie grass, recursive type, razor strap, resurrectionist, rogerson, razor grinder, rockcreek, rockwork, research systems, inc., regression coefficient, resourceless, research project, ricrac, resurge, rackarock, research worker, regressed, rogersville, rockcress, rex harrison, rock creek, mn, research staff, resurgent, rickrack, resource, recourseful, research laboratory, recourse, rosary shell, rogers county, ok, rock hyrax, razor strop, rock grouse, rogersville, tn, research triangl, rock creek, oh, resorcylic, recherch'e, roughwork, rock rose, rough horsetail, regression curve, rockcreek, or, resurrectionize, regression point, ryegrass, resurrect, regression, rogers county, researcher, razor clam, research director, resurgence, rye grass, rock crystal, razor stone, regression analysis, rockrose family, resorcinol, recursive routine, research rocket, rogers, recursive, research paper, regressive, rechargeable, resourceful, re-search, recursive acronym, race horse, recurse, rosaries, rough rock, rose rash, resurrection plant, rockrose, regression testing, rackwork, recursive macro actuated generator, resourcefulness, research facility, rose roseate, resourcelessness, razor-sharp, rogers city, rogersville, mo, regurgitate, rogersville, al, regressively, resorcin, recrystallize, rasores, rogers, ne, roughwrought, resourcefully, regur soil, recrystallization, resorcinolphthalein, recirculation, rigorously, recross, rigorousness, recherche, rogers, ok, regression of y on x, recursive definition, rogers, mn, resource reservation protocol, resurrection of the dead, rigorism, roger sherman, resurrection, recarriage, razor grass, researchful, research colloquium, regressive metamorphism, resurrection fern, roger sessions, rock creek, al, rigorist, research, rockers, research lab, resource access control facility, recursant, rhus quercifolia, rough rock, az, rush rose, rock cress, rigorous, racehorse, rogers, tx

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