
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: resisting control or authority; "temperamentally
           rebellious"; "a rebellious crew"
    2: discontented as toward authority [syn: {disaffected}, {ill-
       affected}, {malcontent}, {rebellious}]
    3: participating in organized resistance to a constituted
       government; "the rebelling confederacy"
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Rebellious \Re*bel"lious\ (r[-e]*b[e^]l"y[u^]s), a.
   Engaged in rebellion; disposed to rebel; of the nature of
   rebels or of rebellion; resisting government or lawful
   authority by force. "Thy rebellious crew." "Proud rebellious
   arms." --Milton. -- {Re*bel"lious*ly}, adv. --
   {Re*bel"lious*ness}, n.
   [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
100 Moby Thesaurus words for "rebellious":
      alienated, beefing, bellyaching, bitching, breakaway, complaining,
      complaintful, contumacious, crabbing, crabby, cranky, croaking,
      defiant, difficult, disaffected, disappointed, discontented,
      disgruntled, disobedient, displeased, disputatious, disputing,
      dissatisfied, dissentient, dissenting, envious, estranged, extreme,
      extremistic, factious, faultfinding, fractious, griping, grouchy,
      grousing, growling, grumbling, incorrigible, insubordinate,
      insurgent, insurrectionary, malcontent, malcontented, murmuring,
      mutineering, mutinous, muttering, noncooperative, objecting,
      obstinate, obstructive, on the barricades, out of humor, peevish,
      petulant, proof against, protesting, querulant, querulous, rebel,
      recalcitrant, refractory, reluctant, renitent, repellent,
      resentful, resistant, resisting, resistive, restive, restless,
      retardant, retardative, revolutional, revolutionary, riotous,
      seditionary, seditious, stubborn, subversive, sulky, traitorous,
      treasonable, turbulent, unaccepting, unaccommodating,
      uncooperative, uneasy, unfulfilled, ungovernable, ungratified,
      unhappy, unmanageable, unruly, unsatisfied, unsubmissive,
      unyielding, up in arms, whiny, withstanding


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