Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
80 Moby Thesaurus words for "readable":
absorbing, allegorical, apprehensible, articulate, associational,
cognizable, comprehensible, connotational, connotative,
decipherable, definable, denotational, denotative, distinct,
easily understood, easy to understand, engaging, enjoyable,
entertaining, exciting, exoteric, expressive, extended,
extensional, fair, fathomable, figurative, full of meaning,
full of point, full of substance, in the clear, indicative,
intelligible, intensional, interesting, interpretable, inviting,
juicy, knowable, legible, lively, meaning, meaningful, meaty,
metaphorical, penetrable, piquant, pithy, plain, pleasurable,
plumbable, pointed, pregnant, prehensible, provocative, provoking,
racy, referential, rich, scrutable, sententious, significant,
significative, spicy, stimulating, substantial, succulent,
suggestive, symbolic, tantalizing, thought-challenging,
thought-inspiring, thought-provoking, tickling, titillating,
transferred, uncoded, understandable, unenciphered, worthwhile
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