push back

from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
push back
    n 1: the act of forcing the enemy to withdraw [syn: {rollback},
         {push back}]
    v 1: cause to move back by force or influence; "repel the
         enemy"; "push back the urge to smoke"; "beat back the
         invaders" [syn: {repel}, {drive}, {repulse}, {force back},
         {push back}, {beat back}] [ant: {attract}, {draw}, {draw
         in}, {pull}, {pull in}]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
39 Moby Thesaurus words for "push back":
      beat back, beat off, block, brush off, chase, chase away,
      chase off, check, counter, cut, dismiss, drive away, drive back,
      fend, fend off, hinder, hold at bay, hold off, keep at bay,
      keep off, obstruct, pack off, parry, put back, rebuff, refuse,
      repel, repulse, send away, send off, send packing, snub, spurn,
      stave off, stop, thrust back, turn aside, turn back, ward off


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