purulent adj 1: containing pus; "a purulent wound" [syn: {purulent}, {pussy}]
Purulent \Pu"ru*lent\, a. [L. purulentus, fr. pus, puris, pus, matter: cf. F. purulent. See {Pus}.] (Med.) Consisting of pus, or matter; partaking of the nature of pus; attended with suppuration; as, purulent inflammation. [1913 Webster]
20 Moby Thesaurus words for "purulent": bloody, chylifactive, chylifactory, chylific, festering, humoral, ichorous, lachrymal, lacrimatory, mattering, phlegmy, pussy, rankling, rheumy, sanious, serous, suppurated, suppurating, suppurative, tearlike