WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: being of crucial importance; "a pivotal event"; "Its
pivotal location has also exposed it to periodic
invasions"- Henry Kissinger; "the polar events of this
study"; "a polar principal" [syn: {pivotal}, {polar}]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
61 Moby Thesaurus words for "pivotal":
acute, axial, behind the scenes, capital, cardinal, causal,
causative, centermost, central, centralized, centric, centroidal,
centrosymmetric, charged, clamorous, climacteric, compelling,
concentrated, constitutive, critical, crucial, crying, decisive,
determinative, effectual, emergent, essential, etiological,
exigent, focal, formative, geocentric, high-pressure,
high-priority, imperative, imperious, important, insistent,
instant, institutive, kairotic, key, loaded, middle, middlemost,
midmost, momentous, occasional, omphalic, originative, overriding,
overruling, pregnant, pressing, principal, radical, ruling,
significant, umbilical, urgent, vital
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