WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or
implied; "an optimum return on capital"; "optimal
concentration of a drug" [syn: {optimum}, {optimal}]
n 1: most favorable conditions or greatest degree or amount
possible under given circumstances
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
54 Moby Thesaurus words for "optimum":
best, capital, champion, choice, chosen, cream, elect, elite,
excellent, exceptional, exemplar, extraordinary, fat, finest,
first-class, first-rate, flower, for the best, greatest,
handpicked, ideal, matchless, model, nonesuch, nonpareil, optimal,
paragon, paramount, peerless, perfect, perfection, pick, picked,
prime, prize, queen, quintessence, quintessential, select,
sterling, superlative, supreme, surpassing, the best,
the best ever, the tops, the very best, unexcelled, unique,
unmatchable, unmatched, unparalleled, unsurpassed, very best
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