
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: undesirably noticeable; "the obtrusive behavior of a
           spoiled child"; "equally obtrusive was the graffiti"
           [syn: {obtrusive}, {noticeable}] [ant: {unnoticeable},
    2: sticking out; protruding
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Obtrusive \Ob*tru"sive\, a.
   Disposed to obtrude; inclined to intrude or thrust one's self
   or one's opinions upon others, or to enter uninvited;
   forward; pushing; intrusive. -- {Ob*tru"sive*ly}, adv. --
   {Ob*tru"sive*ness}, n.
   [1913 Webster]

         Not obvious, not obtrusive, but retired. --Milton.
   [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
90 Moby Thesaurus words for "obtrusive":
      aggressively self-confident, arrant, arrogant, audacious, biggety,
      blatant, bold, brazen, brazenfaced, bumptious, busy, chesty, cocky,
      cold, colorful, conceited, conspicuous, contumelious, cool, crude,
      disdainful, extravagant, familiar, flagrant, flaring, flaunting,
      forceful, forward, garish, gaudy, glaring, gorgeous, hanging out,
      hubristic, immodest, importunate, in relief, in the foreground,
      insolent, insulting, interfering, interruptive, intervenient,
      intrusive, invasive, know-it-all, loud, lurid, meddlesome,
      meddling, meretricious, notable, noticeable, notorious, officious,
      ostensible, outstanding, overpresumptuous, overweening, overwise,
      peacockish, peacocky, perk, perky, pert, presuming, presumptuous,
      procacious, prominent, pronounced, puffed up, pushy, salient,
      screaming, self-conceited, self-opinionated, sensational,
      shameless, smart-alecky, spectacular, staring, stark-staring,
      sticking out, striking, stuck-up, swelled-headed, tawdry, uppish,
      uppity, vulgar


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