
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: not characteristic of or skilled in applied arts and
           sciences; "nontechnical aspects of the job";
           "nontechnical training"; "an untechnical reader"; "in
           clear effective nontechnical language" [syn:
           {nontechnical}, {untechnical}] [ant: {technical}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
nontechnical \nontechnical\ adj.
   1. not characteristic of or skilled in applied arts and
      sciences; as, nontechnical aspects of the job;
      nontechnical training. Opposite of {technical}.

   Syn: untechnical.
        [WordNet 1.5]

   2. comprehensible to the general public; not requiring
      specialized training to be understood; as, written for the
      popular press in plain nontechnical language.

   Syn: lay, plain, popular, unspecialized, untechnical.
        [WordNet 1.5] nontelescopic

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