
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: a notice of someone's death; usually includes a short
         biography [syn: {obituary}, {obit}, {necrology}]
    2: a list of people who died recently
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Necrology \Ne*crol"o*gy\, n.; pl. {Necrologies}. [Gr. nekro`s a
   dead person + -logy: cf. F. n['e]crologie. See {Necromancy}.]
   An account of deaths, or of the dead; a register of deaths; a
   collection of obituary notices.
   [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
97 Moby Thesaurus words for "necrology":
      Clio, Muse of history, adventures, annals, arch, autobiography,
      barrow, bill of mortality, biographical sketch, biography,
      body count, boundary stone, brass, bust, cairn, case history,
      casualty list, cenotaph, chronicle, chronicles, chronology, column,
      confessions, cromlech, cross, cup, curriculum vitae, cyclolith,
      death roll, diary, dolmen, experiences, footstone, fortunes, grave,
      gravestone, hagiography, hagiology, headstone, historiography,
      history, hoarstone, inscription, journal, legend, life,
      life and letters, life story, marker, martyrology, mausoleum,
      megalith, memento, memoir, memoirs, memorabilia, memorial,
      memorial arch, memorial column, memorial statue, memorial stone,
      memorials, menhir, monolith, monument, mortuary roll, mound,
      necrologue, obelisk, obit, obituary, photobiography, pillar,
      plaque, prize, profile, pyramid, record, register of deaths,
      reliquary, remembrance, resume, ribbon, rostral column, shaft,
      shrine, stela, stone, story, stupa, tablet, testimonial,
      theory of history, tomb, tombstone, tope, trophy


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