The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
modulator-demodulator \mod"u*la`tor-de`mod"u*la`tor\, n.
An electronic device that converts electronic signals into
sound waves, and sound waves into electronic signals, used to
transmit information between computers by the use of ordinary
telephone lines; usually called a {modem}.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
modem \mo"dem\ (m[=o]"d[e^]m), n. [by shortening from
An electronic device that converts electronic signals into
sound waves, and sound waves into electronic signals, used to
transmit information between computers by the use of ordinary
telephone lines; also called {modulator-demodulator}; as, the
latest modems can transmit data at 56,000 baud over a clear
telephone line. The speed of transmission of information by a
modem is usually measured in units of {baud}, equivalent to
bits per second.