The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
micromercurialism \micromercurialism\ n. [micro + mercurialism.
Coined by the chemist A. Stock in 1926. See {mercurialism}.]
A form of mercury poisoning resulting from long term exposure
to low doses of mercury. The syndrome of micromercurialism
involves complex symptoms of stress, fatigue, memory loss,
fine tremors, muscular and reflex insufficiency and low blood
pressure, caused by accumulation of mercury in the system. A
condition of hyperthermia is accompanied by a series of
functional changes under the effects of mercury. The combined
simultaneous effect of toxic action, temperature and galvanic
response infers a cycle of disintegration and change. --Work
With Mercury (1972)
Note: As proposed by Stock, the syndrome was considered as
the union of pathological changes in human body caused
by means of low concentrations (as low as 0.01 mg per
cubic meter) of mercury vapor over long exposure times
(up to 10 years).