mandible n 1: the jaw in vertebrates that is hinged to open the mouth [syn: {lower jaw}, {mandible}, {mandibula}, {mandibular bone}, {submaxilla}, {lower jawbone}, {jawbone}, {jowl}]
Mandible \Man"di*ble\, n. [L. mandibula, mandibulum, fr. mandere to chew. Cf. {Manger}.] 1. (Anat.) The bone, or principal bone, of the lower jaw; the inferior maxilla; -- also applied to either the upper or the lower jaw in the beak of birds. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zool.) The anterior pair of mouth organs of insects, crustaceaus, and related animals, whether adapted for biting or not. See Illust. of {Diptera}. [1913 Webster]