make merry

from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
make merry
    v 1: celebrate noisily, often indulging in drinking; engage in
         uproarious festivities; "The members of the wedding party
         made merry all night"; "Let's whoop it up--the boss is
         gone!" [syn: {revel}, {racket}, {make whoopie}, {make
         merry}, {make happy}, {whoop it up}, {jollify}, {wassail}]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
40 Moby Thesaurus words for "make merry":
      beat the drum, blow the trumpet, carouse, celebrate, commemorate,
      cut loose, debauch, dress ship, fire a salute, hallow, hell around,
      hold jubilee, honor, jollify, jolly, jubilate, jubilize, keep,
      lark, let go, let loose, let off steam, maffick, make whoopee,
      mark, memorialize, observe, raise hell, revel, roister, see life,
      signalize, skylark, solemnize, solemnly mark, sound a fanfare,
      spree, step out, wanton, whoop it up


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