Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)
1. What a hacker subjected to formal management training is said to
have undergone. At IBM and elsewhere this term is used by both hackers
and low-level management; the latter doubtless intend it as a joke.
2. The act of removing the processor from a microcomputer in order to
replace or upgrade it. Some very cheap {clone} systems are sold in
lobotomized form -- everything but the brain.
The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
1. What a hacker subjected to formal management training is
said to have undergone. At {IBM} and elsewhere this term is
used by both hackers and low-level management; the latter
doubtless intend it as a joke.
2. The act of removing the processor from a {microcomputer} in
order to replace or upgrade it. Some very cheap {clone}
systems are sold in "lobotomised" form - everything but the
[{Jargon File}]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
40 Moby Thesaurus words for "lobotomy":
amygdalotomy, ankylotomy, arteriotomy, blepharotomy, caesarean,
cardiotomy, celiotomy, cholecystotomy, cirsotomy, coccygotomy,
colpotomy, craniotomy, cystotomy, embryotomy, enterotomy,
gastroenterotomy, gastrotomy, glossotomy, hebotomy, herniotomy,
hysterotomy, laparotomy, lithotomy, mastotomy, nephrotomy,
neurotomy, ovariotomy, pancreatotomy, phrenicotomy, pneumonotomy,
prefrontal lobotomy, prostatotomy, psychosurgery, salpingotomy,
sclerotomy, thoracotomy, thyrotomy, tonsillotomy, ureterotomy,
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