WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: originally a person of noble birth trained to arms and
chivalry; today in Great Britain a person honored by the
sovereign for personal merit
2: a chessman shaped to resemble the head of a horse; can move
two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa)
[syn: {knight}, {horse}]
v 1: raise (someone) to knighthood; "The Beatles were knighted"
[syn: {knight}, {dub}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Knight \Knight\, n. [OE. knight, cniht, knight, soldier, AS.
cniht, cneoht, a boy, youth, attendant, military follower;
akin to D. & G. knecht servant; perh. akin to E. kin.]
1. A young servant or follower; a military attendant. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
(a) In feudal times, a man-at-arms serving on horseback
and admitted to a certain military rank with special
ceremonies, including an oath to protect the
distressed, maintain the right, and live a stainless
(b) One on whom knighthood, a dignity next below that of
baronet, is conferred by the sovereign, entitling him
to be addressed as Sir; as, Sir John. [Eng.] Hence:
(c) A champion; a partisan; a lover. "Give this ring to my
true knight." Shak "In all your quarrels will I be
your knight." --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
Knights, by their oaths, should right poor
ladies' harms. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Note: Formerly, when a knight's name was not known, it was
customary to address him as Sir Knight. The rank of a
knight is not hereditary.
[1913 Webster]
3. A piece used in the game of chess, usually bearing a
horse's head.
[1913 Webster]
4. A playing card bearing the figure of a knight; the knave
or jack. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
{Carpet knight}. See under {Carpet}.
{Knight of industry}. See {Chevalier d'industrie}, under
{Knight of Malta}, {Knight of Rhodes}, {Knight of St. John of
Jerusalem}. See {Hospitaler}.
{Knight of the post}, one who gained his living by giving
false evidence on trials, or false bail; hence, a sharper
in general. --Nares. "A knight of the post, . . . quoth
he, for so I am termed; a fellow that will swear you
anything for twelve pence." --Nash.
{Knight of the shire}, in England, one of the representatives
of a county in Parliament, in distinction from the
representatives of cities and boroughs.
{Knights commanders}, {Knights grand cross}, different
classes of the Order of the Bath. See under {Bath}, and
{Knights of labor}, a secret organization whose professed
purpose is to secure and maintain the rights of workingmen
as respects their relations to their employers. [U. S.]
{Knights of Pythias}, a secret order, founded in Washington,
D. C., in 1864, for social and charitable purposes.
{Knights of the Round Table}, knights belonging to an order
which, according to the legendary accounts, was instituted
by the mythical King Arthur. They derived their common
title from the table around which they sat on certain
solemn days. --Brande & C.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Knight \Knight\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Knighted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
To dub or create (one) a knight; -- done in England by the
sovereign only, who taps the kneeling candidate with a sword,
saying: Rise, Sir ---.
[1913 Webster]
A soldier, by the honor-giving hand
Of C[oe]ur-de-Lion knighted in the field. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
The Devil's Dictionary (1881-1906)
Once a warrior gentle of birth,
Then a person of civic worth,
Now a fellow to move our mirth.
Warrior, person, and fellow -- no more:
We must knight our dogs to get any lower.
Brave Knights Kennelers then shall be,
Noble Knights of the Golden Flea,
Knights of the Order of St. Steboy,
Knights of St. Gorge and Sir Knights Jawy.
God speed the day when this knighting fad
Shall go to the dogs and the dogs go mad.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
121 Moby Thesaurus words for "knight":
Bayard, Don Quixote, Gawain, Lancelot, Ritter, Sidney, Sir Galahad,
advance, aggrandize, bachelor, banneret, baronet, battler,
belligerent, belted knight, bickerer, bishop, blade, bravo,
brawler, broncobuster, buckaroo, bully, bullyboy, caballero,
castle, cavalier, cavalryman, chessman, chevalier, circus rider,
combatant, companion, competitor, contender, contestant, cowboy,
cowgirl, cowpuncher, disputant, duelist, elevate, enforcer,
ennoble, equestrian, equestrienne, exalt, fencer, feuder, fighter,
fighting cock, foilsman, gallant, gamecock, gaucho, gladiator,
goon, gorilla, graduate, hatchet man, hood, hoodlum, hooligan,
horse soldier, horseback rider, horsebacker, horseman, horsewoman,
jockey, jouster, kick upstairs, king, knight bachelor,
knight banneret, knight baronet, knight-errant, man, militant,
mounted policeman, pass, pawn, piece, plug-ugly, postboy,
postilion, prefer, promote, puncher, quarreler, queen, raise,
rider, rioter, rival, rook, rough, roughrider, rowdy, ruffian,
sabreur, scrapper, scuffler, squabbler, steeplechaser, strong arm,
strong-arm man, strong-armer, struggler, swashbuckler, sword,
swordplayer, swordsman, thug, tilter, tough, trick rider, tussler,
up, upgrade, vaquero, wrangler
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