Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
94 Moby Thesaurus words for "kaleidoscopic":
able to adapt, adaptable, adjustable, alterable, alterative,
amorphic, amorphous, anarchic, baggy, bicolor, bicolored, blobby,
blurred, blurry, changeable, chaotic, characterless, checkered,
colorful, colory, confused, crazy, daedal, dichromatic, disorderly,
divers-colored, ever-changing, featureless, flexible, fluid,
formless, fuzzy, harlequin, hazy, impermanent, inchoate,
indecisive, indefinite, indeterminate, inform, lumpen, malleable,
many-colored, many-sided, medley, metamorphic, misty, mobile,
modifiable, motley, movable, multicolor, multicolored,
multicolorous, mutable, nondescript, nonuniform, obscure,
orderless, parti-color, parti-colored, permutable, plastic,
polychromatic, polychrome, polychromic, prismal, protean,
proteiform, resilient, rubbery, shapeless, shot, shot through,
spectral, supple, thunder and lightning, transient, transitory,
trichromatic, trichromic, tricolor, tricolored, two-tone, unclear,
undefined, unordered, unorganized, vague, variable, varicolored,
variegated, versicolor, versicolored
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