
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
44 Moby Thesaurus words for "jimjams":
      agitation, all-overs, blue Johnnies, blue devils, chills of fear,
      cold creeps, cold shivers, cold sweat, creeps, disquiet,
      disquietude, dithers, fear and trembling, goose bumps, gooseflesh,
      heartquake, heebie-jeebies, horripilation, inquietude, jitters,
      jumps, nervousness, palpitation, perturbation, pink elephants,
      pink spiders, quaking, quiver of terror, quivers, shakes, shivers,
      snakes, sweat, the beezie-weezies, the heebie-jeebies, the jimjams,
      the screaming meemies, the shakes, thrill of fear, trembles,
      trepidation, trepidity, uneasiness, willies


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