cold sweat
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
cold sweat
n 1: the physical condition of concurrent perspiration and
chill; associated with fear
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
69 Moby Thesaurus words for "cold sweat":
BO, abhorrence, abomination, agitation, all-overs, allergy,
antagonism, antipathy, aversion, beaded brow, beads of sweat,
body odor, chills of fear, cold creeps, cold shivers,
creeping flesh, creeps, diaphoresis, disgust, disquiet,
disquietude, dithers, enmity, exudate, exudation,
fear and trembling, goose bumps, gooseflesh, hate, hatred,
heartquake, heebie-jeebies, honest sweat, horripilation, horror,
hostility, inquietude, jimjams, jitters, jumps, lather, loathing,
mortal horror, nausea, nervousness, palpitation, perspiration,
perspiration odor, perturbation, quaking, quiver of terror,
quivers, repugnance, repulsion, shakes, shivers, shuddering,
streams of sweat, sudor, sudoresis, sweat, swelter, thrill of fear,
trembles, trepidation, trepidity, uneasiness, water, willies
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