instantiate v 1: represent by an instance; "This word instantiates the usage that the linguists claimed to be typical for a certain dialect" 2: find an instance of (a word or particular usage of a word); "The linguists could not instantiate this sense of the noun that he claimed existed in a certain dialect"
instantiation instantiate <programming> Producing a more defined version of some object by replacing variables with values (or other variables). 1. In {object-oriented programming}, producing a particular {object} from its {class template}. This involves allocation of a structure with the types specified by the template, and initialisation of {instance variables} with either default values or those provided by the class's {constructor} function. 2. In {unification}, (as used in {logic programming}, {type checking} and {type inference}), binding a {logic variable} ({type variable}) to some value (type). (1995-03-28)