
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: not friendly; "an unfriendly act of aggression"; "an
           inimical critic" [syn: {unfriendly}, {inimical}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Inimical \In*im"i*cal\ (?; 277), a. [L. inimicalis, fr. inimicus
   unfriendly, hostile; pref. in- not + amicus friendly. See
   [1913 Webster]
   1. Having the disposition or temper of an enemy; unfriendly;
      unfavorable; -- chiefly applied to private, as hostile is
      to public, enmity.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. Opposed in tendency, influence, or effects; antagonistic;
      inconsistent; incompatible; adverse; repugnant.
      [1913 Webster]

            We are at war with a system, which, by its essence,
            is inimical to all other governments. --Burke.
      [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
152 Moby Thesaurus words for "inimical":
      adversary, adversative, adverse, adversive, aggressive, alien,
      antagonistic, anti, antipathetic, antithetic, antonymous,
      at cross-purposes, balancing, battling, bellicose, belligerent,
      bloodthirsty, bloody, bloody-minded, breakaway, chauvinist,
      chauvinistic, chill, chilly, clashing, cold, combative,
      compensating, competitive, con, conflicting, confronting,
      contentious, contradicting, contradictory, contradistinct,
      contrapositive, contrarious, contrary, contrasted, converse, cool,
      counter, counteractant, counteracting, counteractive,
      counterbalancing, counterpoised, countervailing, counterworking,
      cranky, cross, crotchety, dead against, detrimental, difficult,
      disaccordant, discordant, discrepant, dissentient, dissident,
      enemy, eyeball to eyeball, ferocious, fierce, fighting, fractious,
      frosty, full of fight, hard, harmful, hawkish, hostile, icy, ill,
      in opposition, incompatible, inconsistent, inhospitable, inverse,
      jingo, jingoish, jingoist, jingoistic, martial, militant,
      militaristic, military, miserable, negative, nonconformist,
      noncooperative, not easy, obstinate, obverse, offensive, opponent,
      opposed, opposing, opposite, oppositional, oppositive, oppugnant,
      overthwart, perverse, pugnacious, quarrelsome, reactionary,
      recalcitrant, refractory, renitent, repugnant, resistant, reverse,
      revolutionary, rigorous, rival, saber-rattling, sanguinary,
      sanguineous, savage, scrappy, sinister, soldierlike, soldierly,
      squared off, strained, stressful, tense, trigger-happy,
      troublesome, troublous, truculent, trying, unamiable, unamicable,
      uncooperative, uncordial, unfavorable, unfriendly, ungenial,
      unharmonious, unpacific, unpeaceable, unpeaceful, unpropitious,
      unsociable, untoward, warlike, warmongering, warring, wretched


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