
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: the commercial activity of buying and bringing in goods
         from a foreign country [syn: {importing}, {importation}]
    2: commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country
       [syn: {import}, {importation}] [ant: {export}, {exportation}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Importation \Im`por*ta"tion\, n. [Cf. F. importation. See
   {Import}, v. t.]
   1. The act of carrying, conveying, or delivering. [R.]
      [1913 Webster]

   2. The act or practice of importing, or bringing into a
      country or state; -- opposed to exportation.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. That which is imported; commodities or wares introduced
      into a country from abroad.
      [1913 Webster]
from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
IMPORTATION, comm. law. The act of bringing goods and merchandise into the 
United States from a foreign country. 9 Cranch, 104, 120; 5 Cranch, 368; 2 
Mann. & Gr. 155, note a. 
     2. To prevent the mischievous interference of the several states with 
the national commerce, the constitution of the United States, art. 1, s. 10, 
provides as follows: "No state shall, without the consent of the congress, 
lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be 
absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws, and the net produce 
of all duties and imposts, laid by any state on imports or exports, shall be 
for the use of the treasury of the United States; and all such laws shall be 
subject to the revision and control of the congress." 
     3. This apparently plain provision has received a judicial 
construction. In the year 1821, the legislature of Maryland passed an act 
requiring that all importers of foreign articles, commodities, &c., by the 
bale or package, of wine, rum, &c., and other persons selling the same by 
wholesale, bale or package, hogshead, barrel or tierce, should, before they 
were authorized to sell, take out a license for which they were to pay fifty 
dollars, under certain penalties. A question arose whether this act was or 
was not a violation of the constitution of the United States, and 
particularly of the above clause, and the supreme court decided against the 
constitutionality of the law. 12 Wheat. 419. 
     4. The act of congress of March 1, 1817, 3 Story, L. U. S. 1622, 
     5.-1. That, after the 30th day of September next, no goods, wares, or 
merchandise, shall be imported into the United States from any foreign port 
or place, except in vessels of the United States, or in such foreign vessels 
as truly or wholly belong to the citizens or subjects of that country of 
which the goods are the growth, production or manufacture; or from which 
such goods, wares or merchandise, can only be or most usually are, first 
shipped for transportation: Provided, nevertheless, That this regulation 
shall not extend to the vessels of any foreign nation which has not adopted, 
and which shall not adopt a similar regulation. 
     6.-2. That all goods, wares or merchandise, imported into the United 
States contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, and the ship or 
vessel wherein the same shall be imported, together with her cargo, tackle, 
apparel, and furniture, shall be forfeited to the United States and such 
goods, wares, or merchandise, ship, or vessel, and cargo, shall be liable to 
be seized, prosecuted, and condemned, in like manner, and under the same 
regulations, restrictions, and provisions, as have been heretofore 
established for the recovery, collection, distribution, and remission, of 
forfeitures to the United States by the several revenue laws. 
     7.-4. That no goods, wares, or merchandise, shall, be imported, under 
penalty of forfeiture thereof, from one port of the United States to another 
port of the United States, in a vessel belonging wholly or in part to a 
subject of any foreign power; but this clause shall not be construed to 
prohibit the sailing of any foreign vessel from one to another port of the 
United States, provided no goods, wares, or mere other than those imported 
in such vessel from some foreign port, and which shall not have been 
unladen, shall be carried from one port or place to another in the United 
     8.-6. That after the 30th day of September next, there shall be paid 
upon every ship or vessel of the United States, which shall be entered in 
the United States from any foreign port or place, unless the officers, and 
at least two-thirds of the crew thereof, shall be proved citizens of the 
United States, or persons not the Subjects of any foreign prince or state, 
to the satisfaction of the collector, fifty cents per ton: And provided 
also, that this section shall not extend to ships or vessels of the United 
States, which are now on foreign voyages, or which may depart from the 
United States prior to the first day of May next, until after their return 
to some port of the United States. 
     9.- 7. That the several bounties and remissions, or abatements of duty, 
allowed by this act, in the case of vessels having a certain proportion of 
seamen who are American citizens, or persons not the subjects of any foreign 
power, shall be allowed only, in the case of vessels having such proportion 
of American seamen during their whole voyage, unless in case of sickness, 
death or desertion, or where the whole or part of the crew shall have been 
taken prisoners in the voyage. Vide article Entry of goods at the Custom-

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