Cranberry \Cran"ber*ry\ (kr[a^]n"b[e^]r*r[y^]), n.; pl. {Cranberries} (-r[i^]z). [So named from its fruit being ripe in the spring when the cranes return. --Dr. Prior.] (Bot.) A red, acid berry, much used for making sauce, etc.; also, the plant producing it (several species of {Vaccinum} or {Oxycoccus}.) The {high cranberry} or {cranberry tree} is a species of {Viburnum} ({Viburnum Opulus}), and the other is sometimes called {low cranberry} or {marsh cranberry} to distinguish it. [1913 Webster] cranberry tree
cranberry tree \cranberry tree\, cranberry-tree \cranberry-tree\n. a deciduous thicket-forming Old World shrub ({Viburnum opulus}) with clusters of white flowers and small bright red berries. It is sometimes called {high cranberry} to distinguish it from the {marsh cranberry} or {low cranberry}. Syn: guelder rose, European cranberrybush, European cranberry bush, crampbark, {Viburnum opulus}. [WordNet 1.5]