heterologous adj 1: not corresponding in structure or evolutionary origin [syn: {heterologous}, {heterologic}, {heterological}] [ant: {analogous}, {homologous}] 2: derived from organisms of a different but related species; "a heterologous graft" [ant: {autologous}, {homologous}]
Heterologous \Het`er*ol"o*gous\, a. [Hetero- + Gr. ? proportion.] Characterized by heterology; consisting of different elements, or of like elements in different proportions; different; -- opposed to homologous; as, heterologous organs. [1913 Webster] {Heterologous stimulus}. (Physiol.) See under {Stimulus}. {Heterologous tumor} (Med.), a tumor differing in structure from the normal tissues of the body. [1913 Webster]