hebdomadary adj 1: of or occurring every seven days; "a weekly visit"; "weekly paper" [syn: {weekly}, {hebdomadal}, {hebdomadary}]
Hebdomadal \Heb*dom"a*dal\, Hebdomadary \Heb*dom"a*da*ry\, a. [L. hebdomadalis, LL. hebdomadarius: cf. F. hebdomadaire.] Consisting of seven days, or occurring at intervals of seven days; weekly. [1913 Webster]
Hebdomadary \Heb*dom"a*da*ry\, n. [LL. hebdomadarius: cf. F. hebdomadier.] (R. C. Ch.) A member of a chapter or convent, whose week it is to officiate in the choir, and perform other services, which, on extraordinary occasions, are performed by the superiors. [1913 Webster]