free enterprise
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
free enterprise \free enterprise\ n.
1. an economic system having predominantly private ownership
of the means of production, and relying chiefly on market
forces to allocate goods and resources and to determine
prices, and having a minimum of governmental interference
in economic decisions; also, the political doctrine
advocating such a system as the economic system of a
country. [WordNet sense 1]
Syn: market economy, laissez-faire economy.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
2. The conduct of business according to the principles of the
free enterprise doctrine; the conduct of economic activity
without governmental interference.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
49 Moby Thesaurus words for "free enterprise":
autarky, bimetallism, bourgeois, capitalism, capitalist,
capitalistic system, economic self-sufficiency, finance capitalism,
free competition, free economy, free trade,
free-enterprise economy, free-enterprise system, governmentalism,
individualism, individualistic, isolationism, laissez-aller,
laissez-faire, laissez-faireism, let-alone policy,
let-alone principle, liberalism, line, localism, managed currency,
noninterference, nonintervention, nonsocialistic, nullification,
party line, party principle, planned economy, policy, polity,
position, price supports, private enterprise, private ownership,
private sector, private-enterprise, protection, protectionism,
public policy, pump-priming, rugged individualism, sectionalism,
self-regulating market, state capitalism
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