foulness n 1: disgusting wickedness and immorality; "he understood the foulness of sin"; "his display of foulness deserved severe punishment"; "mouths which speak such foulness must be cleansed" 2: a state characterized by foul or disgusting dirt and refuse [syn: {filth}, {filthiness}, {foulness}, {nastiness}] 3: (of weather) the badness of the weather; "they were wearied with the foulness of the weather" [syn: {foulness}, {raininess}] 4: the attribute of having a strong offensive smell [syn: {malodorousness}, {stinkiness}, {foulness}, {rankness}, {fetidness}]
Foulness \Foul"ness\, n. [AS. f[=u]lnes.] The quality or condition of being foul. [1913 Webster]