fall to pieces
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
74 Moby Thesaurus words for "fall to pieces":
ablate, atomize, bite the dust, break, break open, break up, burst,
canker, carry away, come apart, come off, come to dust,
come undone, come unstuck, consume, corrode, corrupt, crack,
crack up, crumble, crumble into dust, crumble to dust, decay,
decompose, disintegrate, disjoin, disorganize, dissolve,
effloresce, erode, fall, fall into decay, fall off, fall to dust,
fester, fission, fissure, fly apart, fracture, gangrene, get loose,
give away, give way, go bad, go to pieces, grain, granulate,
mildew, mold, molder, mortify, necrose, peel off, powder, putrefy,
putresce, rankle, rot, rupture, shard, shatter, snap, sphacelate,
split, spoil, spring a leak, spring apart, start, suppurate,
topple, tumble, unravel, waste away, wear away
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