Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
ENROLLMENT, Eng. law. The registering, or entering in the rolls of chancery,
king's bench, common pleas, or exchequer, or by the clerk of the peace in
the records of the quarter sessions, of any lawful act; as a recognizance, a
deed of bargain and sale, and the like. Jacob, L. D.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
54 Moby Thesaurus words for "enrollment":
acceptance, admission, admittance, baptism, booking, call, call-up,
cataloging, chronicling, compulsory military service, conscription,
draft, draft call, drafting, enlistment, entering, entry, filing,
immission, impanelment, impressment, inauguration, indexing,
induction, initiation, inscribing, inscription, insertion,
installation, instatement, intromission, inventorying, investiture,
itemization, levy, listing, logging, matriculation, mobilization,
muster, ordination, posting, press, record keeping, recordation,
recording, recruiting, recruitment, register, registration,
registry, selective service, summons, tabulation
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